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‘Just as Planned’... The 2019 GW Predictions Thread...


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Ok, I think I can hear the sound of the Fun Police’s sirens in the distance, so before they turn up for their weekly inspection/shakedown of the Rumour Thread I thought I’d start a predictions thread.

Not rumours, not wishlisting, just pure hardcore XXX predictions of what we’ll get from GW in 2019. Put absolutely no money where your mouth is and make your boldest bets... then in 12 months we can laugh at our hubris and folly.

I’ll kick this off with some of my own based on absolutely zero insider knowledge.

Age of Sigmar

 Gloomspite Gitz - ok not exactly taking a big punt here but I’m going for centipede cavalry, spore bombs that turn enemy hordes into fungus zombies, flying squigs and the like.

LoN/BoC style battletomes- I reckon we’ll get maybe 2 or 3 this year with a final tranche in 2020 for some of the more split up old factions just to shut people up. Books, endless spells and maybe a new model or two if really needed.

Rolled up Everchosen, StD, Darkoath book - similar to above but lots more new models with your new barbarians getting some shine. Tied into a major return of Archaon to the frontlines campaign (late 2019 here).

Something totally new - Hyish Aelves maybe. 

Skirmish 2.0 - basic rules in WD then later in the year a proper release, focus on close combat cave/dungeon fighting. Maybe tied into a Grot v Duardin set. Then expansions boxes that handily also provide interesting, more diverse AoS style models for older armies.

Some kind of Speed Freaks style boxset - Chaos chariots, something like that to flog some big new models.

More Aerial scenarios - new rules and focus (at WD level) for all aerial battles. Gives armies like KO a bit of attention without too much investment.

Realm of Chaos ‘Lost & the Damned’ box set - Nurgle v Tzeentch with a couple of new sculpts and updated, better rules to get people using/playing those beautiful slug puppy beasts.

Underworlds - 4 remaining night vault warbands (obviously).

Maybe a new board with some new special kind of hexes (teleport hexes or something magical like that).

Then I reckon we’ll see a lot more continued support in WD with things like the Gargant game to keep it fresh.

Finally new boxset in late 2019 with 2 Slaanesh warbands released as part of it (1 in starter set) tying into lead up of the god’s escape in 2020, when we’ll also get Ulgu aelves.

New WH Quest - Just in time for Xmas and all the 40k only people who bought into BSF might be more likely to try this now and then in turn give AoS a go.


40k - Not really my thing atm but what the hell...

Blackstone Fortress - I can envision at least 2 of these (and maybe more) - new box of explorers, a new box of large monstrous encounters (actually willing to put down 5 whole pounds we’ll get at least an Ambull model) and then a new box with special rooms, encounter cards, missions etc. Plus new missions etc in WD.

Genestealer & SoB - Codices and new models, though these are already announced aren’t they?

Black Legion - New Abaddon model at least but reckon there’ll be a load of new BL models, traitor guardsmen etc building on what was in Black Fortress in the build up of the Vigilus event.

Kill Team Mercenary expansion - a way of allying in outside your faction troops and dropping some new, interesting models from under-represented (or not represented at all) species.

Maybe a new Primaris lieutenant - Just going out on a servo-limb here.


Adeptus Titanicus - if it’s doing well slow creep towards old Epic with introduction of non Titan models, large vehicles etc. Maybe some kind of Siege of Terra expansion to tie into the culmination of the book series.


Blood Bowl - No idea! Ok how about an ‘End Times in the End Zone’ expansion, paving the way for the next edition to be based in the AoS world (or the BB equivalent).


Necromunda - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Lord of the Rings - Eru knows. Sure there must be some people that appeared in the background of one scene in the films they can milk.


In case you haven’t gathered I’m on a 4 hour train journey heading up north here, and left my book behind, so yeah trying to entertain myself here...

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There are too many legit rumours in this thread. Like 90% of this thread isn't even speculation it it's just rumours. Can we get a new thread for actual rumours so we can keep it clear here for people who just want speculation? 


I have no idea what forge world are doing about AoS but I'd like to speculate we see some releases from them next year. 


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2 hours ago, JPjr said:

Skirmish 2.0 - basic rules in WD then later in the year a proper release, focus on close combat cave/dungeon fighting. Maybe tied into a Grot v Duardin set. Then expansions boxes that handily also provide interesting, more diverse AoS style models for older armies

Grot vs Duardin tunnel fighting skirmish box! Hell yeah! 

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I'm super excited for 2019! There's so much room for possibilities. We've gotten a lot of the expected content, so all things said....

Grots Battletome - obvious now, very excited to see what gets cooked up.

Slaanesh Battletome - Again, getting the easy stuff out of the way. :)

Kharadron Overlords 2nd Wave -  I'm thinking we'll see a second wave of Kharadron minis coming through for a new Battletome and new miniatures. They're popular and their Battletome doesn't do them any favours right now.

Darkoath BattletomeA Battletome to wrap together the Everchosen, Slaves to Darkness and Monsters of Chaos. Similar to Legions of Nagash with the different allegiances.

Seraphon Battletome - this is super hopeful, but a rerelease of our oldest remaining Battletome makes sense with how much they've changed since launch. Smaller Beasts of Chaos style release if anything: Plastic Slann kit, Endless Spell, and maybe new Salamanders/Razordons. Please GW?

Skaven arrive Holiday 2019 - it's been a tradition of one chaps.god every single holiday season, and we're getting Slaanesh this year. I fully expect we'll see Clan Skryre and Children of the Horned Rat battletomes in late 2019 or early 2020. I think expect Skryre and Skaven to act like LoN and Nighthaunt.

Other Easy Predictions:

- New Firestorm style campaign set

- New Stormcast /s

- New Shadespire Warbands: Kharadron, Slaanesh, Sacrosanct, Sylvaneth



Also - I do NOT expect a new Stormcast chamber this year.


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2 hours ago, Arkiham said:

Some of those things mentioned in first comment already have solid grounding, from proven sources, but i get the feeling we aren't allowed to talk about actual rumours/leak stuff anymore on here, 

I saw that statement a couple of times now. From what I gather from keeping up with the rumour thread, the only thing not allowed is actually posting the leaked material. Which personally seems fine to me.  

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15 minutes ago, Kramer said:

I saw that statement a couple of times now. From what I gather from keeping up with the rumour thread, the only thing not allowed is actually posting the leaked material. Which personally seems fine to me.  

and when asked to back these fanciful claims up ? so you dont just get ignored as a wishlister you end up being dismissed so why even bother.

i mentioned most if not all of this xmas' releases mid/end of summer, cant back it up as it gets deleted

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