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GA Order Army review/help?


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I am putting together a list of all my largest models for an upcoming casual style game.  Need some help on choosing artifacts, etc.  


Allegiance: Order
Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (260) - General - Command Trait : Legendary Fighter
Drakeseer (300) - Artefact : Phoenix Stone
Loremaster (140)
Celestant-Prime (340)
Lord-Celestant On Dracoth (220) - Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield
10 x Saurus Warriors (100) - Spears
5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield
5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield
5 x Judicators (160) - Skybolt Bows - 1 x  Shockbolt Bows
Bastiladon (280)
TOTAL: 2000/2000     EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 0     WOUNDS: 94
ARTEFACTS: 1/1    ALLIES: 0/400

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For just Order, the Phoenix Stone is perhaps one of the best options. If you want to use the Realm Artifacts, there are a lot of cool options.

Do you have any narrative to this list? That might determine your artifact if you want to hail from a favorite realm. Otherwise, power wise, Gryph Feather Charm from Ghur is one of the most solid all rounders. I'd put it on the Carnosaur, as he is more likely to be in combat than the mage.

Ghyrstrike from Ghyran is also super awesome. Put it on your Carnosaur and bless his bite with a Skink Starpriest for 6 damage on every 5 or 6 to wound.

I am also a fan of Jade Diadem from Ghyran for a really tanky hero.

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13 minutes ago, flamingwalnut said:

Ghyrstrike from Ghyran is also super awesome. Put it on your Carnosaur and bless his bite with a Skink Starpriest for 6 damage on every 5 or 6 to wound.

 I am also a fan of Jade Diadem from Ghyran for a really tanky hero.


1. Ghyrstrike, like all artifacts, can only be given to the riders weapons not the mounts weapon.  In this case, only the sunstone spear is eligible for Ghyrstrike.
2. Never thought of a Carnosaur's jaws counting for the Starpriest ability but i guess it does. cool! 
3. Jade Diadem used to kind of suck, because it was a save roll of 6+, and any rend would make a unmodifed save roll of 6 a 5, which means the artefact would not trigger.  But the FAQ from this week changed it, so now it is unmodified rolls of 6. It's pretty good on a Carnosaur, I played it wrong the first time I used it (which is now the right way to use it) and my opponent was very frustrated that their judicators were actually healing my Carnosaur!

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23 hours ago, sorokyl said:

1. Ghyrstrike, like all artifacts, can only be given to the riders weapons not the mounts weapon.  In this case, only the sunstone spear is eligible for Ghyrstrike.
2. Never thought of a Carnosaur's jaws counting for the Starpriest ability but i guess it does. cool! 
3. Jade Diadem used to kind of suck, because it was a save roll of 6+, and any rend would make a unmodifed save roll of 6 a 5, which means the artefact would not trigger.  But the FAQ from this week changed it, so now it is unmodified rolls of 6. It's pretty good on a Carnosaur, I played it wrong the first time I used it (which is now the right way to use it) and my opponent was very frustrated that their judicators were actually healing my Carnosaur!

Right, derped on Ghyrstrike. Well, still a good one, but probably not the best.

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