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Some base sizes changed. Again.

EDIT1: And Ironjawz can't stack Mighty Destroyers (but can use it along with Waaagh! command ability).

EDIT2: Slaans can turn more than 1 spell into summoning points. and Wild Riders now have shields abilities.

EDIT3:  Realm of Battle: Ulgu, Realmscape Features, Shadow Realms Add the following sentence to the end of the rule: ‘The unit may not move in the subsequent movement phase.

EDIT4: Coven Throne (Handmaidens and Spirit Hosts too) counts as mount.  And if you use Firestorm allegiances you use it with addition to GA Order, but now you can take units not included in Free City List as allies.

EDIT5: Some nerfs to Realm Artifacts and Spells (yes, Doppelganger cloak too)

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Interesting to see they've started changing base sizes on a fair few Forgeworld models - perhaps this means FW is going to update them! Also a lot of base sizes changing for Beasts of Chaos and Chaos in general. Is that just GW bookkeeping or is there some big unexpected sweeping changes there?


Command ability spam we expected to get limited as GW has been steadily changing that for a while now.

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Change to Ironfist:

Page 123 – Ironfist, ’Ere We Go! ’Ere We Go! ’Ere
We Go!
Change to:
‘In your hero phase, if this battalion’s Big Boss is on the
battlefield, roll a dice. Each unit from the same battalion
can make a normal move of up to a number of inches
equal to the roll (they cannot run or retreat).’

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5 minutes ago, Overread said:

Interesting to see they've started changing base sizes on a fair few Forgeworld models - perhaps this means FW is going to update them! Also a lot of base sizes changing for Beasts of Chaos and Chaos in general. Is that just GW bookkeeping or is there some big unexpected sweeping changes there?

Just GW book keeping and moving models to the correct sections - they didn't actually change any base sizes for BoC. 

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Looks like they're finally going back and listing bases sizes as being the same ones the models ships with at least in the case of the giant and harbinger of decay. Interesting that they've now listed ForgeWorld bases in the same document since they usually like to keep FW pretty segregated. Maybe the GW side of the house will start acknowledging the existence of FW?

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I think there's a general effort to bring FW more into main GW. 

That said fantasy needs a huge boost, FW has traditionally not made all that much, esp recently, for the fantasy line. There's a tiny handful of models compared to the vast sums of marines and HH models. I think FW having its own AoS team means that we'll see a lot more come from them (and hopefully more than just legions of Sigmarines ;)). That said FW also has to adjust all the current stuff, there's clearly quite a few beasties that could do with being added to current factions or being made accessible to multiple factions. 

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Just now, JetBlackSVW said:

I thought before having just a fraction of all model‘s bases is enough for a unit being wholly within. Was I always in the wrong?

You were probably always wrong but don't feel bad because you weren't the only one. It was a very contentious subject and one where (I think) compelling arguments could be made for either interpretation. 

Overall I'm super disappointed in this FAQ. Outside Doppleganger cloak there were no corrections - there were clarifications (see wholly within, Hellstriders, etc.) but the meta will remain unchanged until GHB 2019 it seems. Color me unhappy. 

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Yeah I'm pretty disappointed with these faqs. Too many more or less obvious questions with obvious answers and no bold changes to rules or even point values (40k had point changes in one of their faqs). I also still can't help but feel like they missed some necessary changes, like gavriel charge stack removed and ethereal shyish artifact nerfed in some way (IMO ethereal is not something that should be just thrown around with spells or artifacts. It's too broken when combined with base save of 3+ and rerolls, that's why nighthaunt don't have such units).

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10 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

Another interesting ruling - they've retroactively changed all abilities that trigger on a roll of a 6 to be a natural 6, so they can't trigger with modifiers. Clearly the way the wind was blowing, though. 

The FAQ only specifies "rolls of 6" and not abilities that work on "6 or more", "6 or higher", "6+", etc.

"A: If an ability refers to a roll of 6 (rather than a roll of 6+ or a roll of 6 or more), it means a roll of 6 after rerolls but before any modifiers are applied."

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40 minutes ago, SwampHeart said:

Overall I'm super disappointed in this FAQ. Outside Doppleganger cloak there were no corrections - there were clarifications (see wholly within, Hellstriders, etc.) but the meta will remain unchanged until GHB 2019 it seems. Color me unhappy. 

Interesting that they reworded that hellstriders warscrolls only, not the meaning of the old wording.  Grundstok thunderer with drillbill was worded similarly, so I guess this actually means if someone charges two unit of thunderers you roll two dice for mortals? 10 units of 5 thunderers say come at me bro, haha

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