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Help with my next project

Avatar Rage

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I have thought long and hard about this and I am going to be starting a slow build Destruction army next year. Not a big one but just one that is a nice project to work on. Gonna put a lot of effort in and experiment with new techniques for painting and converting.

The problem is that I have three ideas I like equally and need some help choosing which one to commit to. So if I could get any advice on how the alliegences work that would be amazing. Also I’ll put a brief description of the armies theme down as well, I really want to know what people think about these concepts.

Bonesplitters - Bonesplitters from Chamon that follow the lead of Da Goldun Skull, a skull of gold held by their prophet. Their tattoos, teeth and war paint are going to be metallic. I will probably use different metals to denote rank. Alternatively I may just paint them gold with green tattoos. I will be looking to place weapons from different factions I have lying around on some of these models (wielding stormcast weaponry etc). 

Gutbusters - Lead by a particularly rotund Tyant these ogurs are going be themed around chefs and kitchen staff. Grotts are going to be waiters and kitchen hands. Each unit will have a particular job to do, cleaving, tenderising, etc. A primarily white colour scheme to match the chefs attire. I will be aiming to make little chefs hats out of green stuff for these.

Beastclaw Raiders - A festive themed army. Red, white and green colour scheme, I will be aiming to make a deranged Santa riding on the back of a giant ruldolf. Santa will be a Frost Lord, while Mrs Clause a Huskard. Every other ogur will be a helper with elves (grotts) guiding and assisting them. Minor conversions aplenty here, but once again I aim to green stuff some hats. I aim to do this over the year so it should be ready for next Christmas.

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4 hours ago, Avatar Rage said:

I have asked my irl friends and I’m going for the chef gutbusters. Already started on them. Will post pics in the model and painting forum soon.

Don't be afraid to post in the gutbusters thread either for advice or with model pics.

It's always nice to see what others are doing with your favourite faction!

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