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Is there any way to buff survivability of varanguard? Or bring them back to life via nurgle etc? I'm trying to play at a list with archaon and a big blob of 9 varanguard with a slaanesh Lord to make them swing 3 times in one turn etc.


Still have points to play with but not sure if there's anything other than mystic shield?

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Warshrine can be a little boost in survivability, a much bigger one is harbinger of decay, But they need to be marker Nurgle in order to benefit that.

Remember that there is a slaanesh lord that let you make extra attacks on 6+ to hit (so 5+ cause of archaon's +1) making then quite punchy

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Sorcerer of Chaos gets you an auto-cast mystic shield effect every turn.

Hellstriders bring -1 to hit aura.

Also, I'd warn you about doing a huge all eggs in one basket combo like that, it is mega overkill. a good opponent will make sure you lose every time. 9 Varanguard + Lord of Slaanesh is a lot of pts for a single hammer that can easily be speed bumped. Personally, I think if you want a Varanguard army, I'd do 3 units of 3 Varanguard, each escorted by 5x Hellstriders. Less flashy but actually gives you the versatility to play for multiple objectives and to threaten more than a single position on the board. 




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do you not need Archaon on the battlefield to bestow the god mark onto them? 

Looking at their warscroll, they don't start with a mark at the beginning of the game, and have no option to take a god keyword in their keywords unless it's bestowed by Arky as listed under their "Archaon's Command" ability.

... or have I missed something? :S

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>> I'm trying to play at a list with archaon and a big blob of 9 varanguard 

I hope you aren't trying to play matched play... Remember Varanguard aren't battleline unless everchosen, and if you run everchosen you can't fit a unit of 9 in a valid 2k list (because you need 6 more) 

Assuming 2k list...Varanguard are 280 points each.   840. for 9. 
Archaon is 660, Lord of Slaneesh 100, so we are at 1600 points. 
In your last 400 points you need 3 battleline. 
3 groups of ungor I guess would do it, for 180 points, that leaves you with 220 points and not much of a list... 


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On 12/13/2018 at 10:34 PM, sorokyl said:

>> I'm trying to play at a list with archaon and a big blob of 9 varanguard 

I hope you aren't trying to play matched play... Remember Varanguard aren't battleline unless everchosen, and if you run everchosen you can't fit a unit of 9 in a valid 2k list (because you need 6 more) 

Assuming 2k list...Varanguard are 280 points each.   840. for 9. 
Archaon is 660, Lord of Slaneesh 100, so we are at 1600 points. 
In your last 400 points you need 3 battleline. 
3 groups of ungor I guess would do it, for 180 points, that leaves you with 220 points and not much of a list... 


Varanguard is battleline in an Everchosen army!


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