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Would this mixed death force be worth playing?


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Hi all

I was just wondering if this sort of army would be valid for casual play?

I thought about starting a mixed death force a couple of years a go and never got round to it. It was bases around a fluff idea I liked of a Vampire Lord on foot waking from a long sleep to find his kingdom had degenerated into ghouls.

Would  a force lead by a vampire lord, made up mostly of Flesh eater Court models and other gribblies such as Dire Wolves and Spirit Hosts be worth playing? I won't be playing super competitively by any means but I wouldn't want to be completely outclassed by my friends armies with proper allegiance abilities and the like to the point that it wasn't fun.

I was kind of disappointed coming back to the game to find that Death had been updated to make it easier to field a mixed force but FEC dont play nice :P.

Thanks very much for any help



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Honestly the list is really going to struggle. The legions battletome focuses on either soulblight or summonable synergies, which are non-existent with flesh eaters. You would lack units for your vampire to effect, while also lacking the heroes to buff your ghouls. You're right in that they dont really play nicely with each other because the armies play around different mechanics. 

By taking general death, you lose out on all the different buffs you inherently get from belonging to a particular legion. You also lose out on the grand delusion from the flesh eater allegiance. You dont really get anything in return for giving these bonuses up.

I like your theme, but is there a way to tweak it a bit to fall more in line with one of the two books? Like the vampire waking up to a zombified or skelified populace and sticking to one of the legions? Or have him wake up and unknowingly have degenerated into a ghoul king if you want to go flesh eaters route? The two factions just have a really hard time working together and would be much better off separate.

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I'd say if you play mostly FEC in such force - you won't be losing much, except rerolls for runs and charges, second all death armies are really hero-dependant, so you don't want to be short on those. For mainly FEC army I recomend getting a block of skelletons, couple dog packs and necro, because doggies are just great, skellies with attack from VLord and Danse Macabre can hit quite hard, looking at legions abilities you will be mainly lacking staying power delivered by gravesites and Command Ability to raise dead, which would be sometimes easy to stop if you would run Vlord on foot cuz he is not the toughest guy in the world.
For FEC synergy you REALLY want a King, Zombie Dragon one is the best pick IMO but one on foot can work as well. If you don't want a King (for fluff reasons I guess) than Coven Throne or Attendants at Court battalion from FEC book is the good route, Coven Thrones CA would give your horrors some important rerolls and have a solid spell that can mess with your opponent quite good, the battalion on the other hand will shower you with command points which is nice to throw bonus attacks to your troops (from VLord on foot) and will give all of the battalion (which is 2 units of horrors and Haunter Courtier) rerolls for all hit rolls which is undescribably great (they will count as always being near Ghoul King so you don't need one)

Here's a little something to get you started:

Allegiance: Death

Crypt Haunter Courtier (140)
Vampire Lord (140)
- General
Necromancer (110)

5 x Dire Wolves (60)
5 x Dire Wolves (60)
40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
- Ancient Spears

3 x Crypt Horrors (160)
3 x Crypt Horrors (160)
1 x Corpse Cart (80)

Attendants at Court (160)

Total: 1350 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 14
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 106

All very good heroes, corpse cart for magic and wolves buffs, said battalion because I think its great

From here you can go and grab a VLord on Zombie Dragon, slap Ethereal Amulet on top and make him very hard to stop, goes well with FEC start collecting so you could build mounted Vamp Lord, 3 horrors and have a king with 10 ghouls to summon if you fancy yourself another caster with good self-healing that brings bodies to sit in the backfield or distracts enemies

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Ha Ha.


Thanks guys I really appreciate the feedback. I know these sort of questions are pretty much a charitable case :)

I was thinking roughly along the lines of something like:


Vampire Lord


Ghoul King on Terrorgheist

30 Ghouls

3 Crypt Flayers

3 Crypt Flayers

5 Dire Wolves

5  Dire Wolves 

3 Spirit Hosts

3 Spirit hosts 

Other stuff to taste


My thinking was that there is at least some synergy there. The Vampire Lord and the Necromancer have some synergy with most of the other units and the Ghoul King and the FEC components work well. Would the lack of allegiance abilities really be that dreaful? If so I shall rethink things :P

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2 minutes ago, ZealousJ said:

Would the lack of allegiance abilities really be that dreadful? 

Well, strictly speaking yes... for casual fluff games no.

the vamplord and necro won’t get access to legion lore spells (sad face) so you‘re on your own out there.

but fielding 30 ghouls with 2 courtiers and a king (300+160+140=600 fec) will Open up the grind. 40 skellis with necromancer (280+110= 390) so his van hels does something. Throw in some dogs for fast battleline flankers 2x5 (120).

that’s 1110 for basics

the vamp lord with retinue (5bloodknights) (140+240=380) as Hammer 

1490 (5heroes, 4BL, 1elite)

if needed sprinkle with whatever  6 spirit hosts but I think your grind is strong enough, better off with another vamplord with retinue or throw in some morghast or a monster.

depending on bravery terrorgheist or zombiedragon, maybe even for the ghoulking #releasethehorrors


If you have friends for beer and pretzel games those lists should work alright.

If Somebody is fielding a higher tier alliance list, you’ll need to get good and sun-tzu his sorry @$£ with mighty skillz and elaborated tactics

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