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1000 points army


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I have not played fantasy before and was thinking about starting an AOS army:

Dieter von Steinhof - general  100

Udo Zimmermann - priest 80

Franz "Verrückt” Braunsweiger - steam tank 300

Maas Saxen – handgunners leader 100
Leopold Plecken – guard leader 80

Malahir ”The Shadow” - Shadowblade 120

Morahti – 220


(english is not my first languish)

They will hunts us down and hang us for treason... but not if we find it... Then we will be heroes and more important... we wil have a fighting chance!" The bald priest whispered to the two other men around the table.

Dieter looked at his two old friends for a moment and drank from his beer. "Let's do it! I am only a Captain of the City Guard, but I know that Maas Saxen and Leopold Plecken will follow me... so that is 10 handgunners and 10 guards."

Franz Braunsweiger emptied his beer and called for another round." Very well, you know I am in as long as it involves driving Gisela.. happy days ahead!”

Udo frowned ”It will not be happy days!! It will be noticed that we... and especially that dammed tank of yours is missing... and people will not be happy..." Franz was about to said something about his beloved steam tank, but new beers where brought to their table and they all went silent. Dieter still smiled and then said "What a group we are; A fighter, a priest, and a crazy steam tank commandor set for saving the world...”

And an Aelf...” They all looked up at the shadow loming over them. ”Aaah Malahir... we did not see you...”

Pepole don't see me... Unless I want them too. I think it is time I repay my debt to you.” The aelf answered in a low voice.

Udo frowned again and said ”So dramatic...Are you bringing that girl of yours when repaying Dieter?”

You do not like, Morahti?” Malahir ask back.

Oh no! It is not that... it is just that... she makes me... a little uncomfortable.”

Udo and Franz did not look pleased, but Dieter still smiled and said ”We can trust them... and now we have an assassin and a mage in our little party as well... All we need now is a dwarf!” Only Franz laughed and Dieter continued ”...It is settled then... lets change this bloody war!"

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