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Nighthaunt: The Garrison of Nacht'Tor


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Meanwhile across the realm of Shyish, far from Nacht'Tor and in the ruins left behind in the war for Bykaal, the hollow knights of the Einhundert stand vigil.  The swift and impetuous Dark Marquees had led his Shade-Host across the minor underworld of Bykaal at the command of Reikenor.  In the Shade-Host's wake drifted in more disciplined and patient wardens.  As they stand silent vigil on the abandoned walls of Nacht'Tor, so to does their duty extend to other locations in Shyish when the will of NAGASH demands it.

There were so few of the Einhundert in Bykaal when the night known as the Mallusnacht fell,  that only one was present in the town of Bolyany when the vary crops the mortals toiled over rose up in violent revolt.  This one is known by some in Fendale only as The Shrouded.  Wrapped in equal measures of black plate and tattered shroud, the hollow swordsman observed the rising chaos with much interest.  Mutated turnips and bloody masses of those that the animated crops killed were rising in horrific masses to slaughter mortal and ossiarch legionnaire alike. It became quickly apparent to The Shrouded that this was the justice of Nagash being wrought in the underworld of Bykaal after the Hammerhall interlopers had moved in to rename the towns and overturn eon long traditions.  What was worse, there even stood a temple to the Betrayer-god Sigmar in the middle of the ancient Shyishan town of Bolyany.

At first The Shrouded watched in silent and unseen incorporeal amusement as the mortals ran about attempting to muster a defense against their own tainted and animated crops.  Yet, one mortal stepped out from the rest to level just blame at the feet of the azyrite cult and the betrayer-god's temple.  Her name was Gertrude Brown, a simple woman of the town, a salt of the earth local whose generations could be traced back into the history of Shyish itself.  As she rallied panicking survivors in the town square to attempt to hold out until the witching night was over, she also hatched schemes to use the night of horrors to drive Hammerhall and the azyrite cult out of Bolyany and by extension Bykaal.

Still however, the hollow swordsman waited unseen.  There was another who held to the old ways in the town, this one called 'The Eel Witch' who kept the customs and also seemed to have distaste for the Betrayers in her midst.  Neither mortal's fates really mattered to the silent warden, and so he was content to observe and wait for the judgement of Nagash to finish the town in a mutated and monstrous oragy of turnip slaughter.  It was when words of burning down the betrayer's temple and slaying its Lector started circulating in the circles of Gertrude Brown's followers that The Shrouded took notice.  Perhaps all the mortals this night would perish, but driving out the betrayer's priests, or better yet sending the Lector to meet Nagash early, was motivation enough for the hollow swordsman to reveal himself and offer his spectral wavey flamberge to the cause.

The plan was simple, the townsfolk were in an uproar and one had even crafted a shambling catapult of some kind. Other gathered torches and shouted about storming the temple.  These would be the distraction that would pull the Stormcast defenders of the temple away from the Lector and his inner chamber, or so the knight in shrouds presumed.  It seemed like a simple task to infiltrate the temple during the mortal's attempt to storm it by force.  He would slip in unseen, only to materialize long enough to drive his sword through the Lector's back if he found the opportunity.  If not, he had been a sword master in life, and in death he had become only more deadly. He could cross blades with even a Stormcast or two and come out on top, but he would not be able to take on the Lector and all of his retinue alone.

The mortals and the turnips of Bykaal would play their role this Mallusnacht, and before the day came a Lector of Sigmar would be dead, and his temple set ablaze.  NAGASH is ALL, and ALL are one in NAGASH.

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It has been a long time since I posted here. In the gap of time I have sold a large portion of my Nighthaunt collection thinking to quit AoS. Later I was drawn back in playing Tzeentch.  Regardless of my whims I always had a box in my closet of my converted Hexwraiths. They have been partially painted for years now, and the Shade-Host has been used in several Animosity Campaigns.  The Emerald Host rules literally stopped an e-bay listing of my box of converted hexwraiths, and an eventual realization that my fickle ways would one day return me to my Nighthaunt has had me save my Nighthaunt for a future date.  Now we have a new Battle-tome on the way, and my local store is getting extremely active in AoS 3... so behold, the Shade-Host rides.


The Black Coach in the background is a final model to paint as a reward for painting my line horsemen.  This is my x40 Hexwraiths all converted from Dreadblade Harrows.  The Dark Marquees is a Reikenor based conversion, and his two command 'Dreadblades' have a banner and horn. I use them as dreadblades with whichever artefact makes most sense. Normally the Banner is the general so I can 'rally' units back to it, but the Emerald Host has forced me to make the Knight of Shrouds my general and I lose out on the theme but it still is fun.  Doot Horse is usually the Pendant of the Fell Wind, his jaunty and ghostly tunes speeding up nearby shade-knights.  I also have a book bearing dreadblade to represent the Arcane Tome or Midnight Tome but he is not yet painted.

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