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AoS 2 - Ironjawz Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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2 hours ago, BobbyB said:

Right, I've - perhaps ill advisedly - started an ironjawz army for blood & glory.  As I have 10 weeks left, and (almost) one unit of brutes painted I need to think about minimizing painting time, especially as I'm not a particularly fast painter.

I was thinking of going bloodtoofs with double MBMK, and ironfist, but even if I can fit the cogs in to that, I wouldn't be able to afford anyone to cast it.  Is it feasible to run that sort of list without the cogs? I don't really want to get slapped about all weekend as I'm hoping to enjoy IJ enough to want to return to them after that weekend.

Any other suggestions for painting un-intensive lists and not completely impotent lists greatly received


So something like this


Allegiance: Ironjawz

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)

5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

Ironfist (180)
Bloodtoofs (120)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 103

It could work fine. The big thing the cogs are there for is to make up for the slow as hell move speed we suffer, since your slow stuff is only 3 units of brutes it should be fine.

Another alternative, which would drop painting if you don't already have a realmgate done, is to go for an Ironsunz list, either a straight swap or


Allegiance: Ironjawz

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
Orruk Warchanter (80)

5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

Ironfist (180)
Ironsunz (120)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 109

To me the biggest boon of the Bloodtoofs is the +2 to bravery, this gets round this by just running GG's instead and you net the potential -1 to hit on the first round. Even with your 3 units of Brutes the Ironsunz are a reasonable choice, they just lack the flare that the Bloodtoofs bring.

Again, depends on what you have painted and what you want to paint. If it was me I'd go with the first list (3 Brutes) and then leave the realmgate to last, you can just change megabattalion if you don't get it done.

Also, to echo @Lanoss I'm also coming to the conclusion cogs might be a bit much for what they do. They are definitely awesome but we aren't properly alphastriking and the delayed turn 2 engage just gives us an extra Waaaagh!

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good point about switching battalion, and yeah that's exactly the list! I have a realmgate sprayed and can get one of those done last minute so should be ok. I was assuming I'd need all the extra movement I could get, hence bloodtoofs.  Would you say I'm better off going for the aetherquartz brooch or the ethereal amulet? 

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Hey All, 

I'm just getting into AoS and I've decided to start with an Ironjawz army. Da Boyz has got the looks and 'Krumpin is fun! 

Everyone seems to be taking Brutes almost exclusively over 'Ardboyz. Are they that much better on a per unit basis or is it because the goal is to have more units so the extra WAAGH! attacks are triggered more often? 

Like I said, I'm new to AoS so any advice about 'ow to bash 'dem other gits to bits is welcome.

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30 minutes ago, Hankster said:

Hey All, 

I'm just getting into AoS and I've decided to start with an Ironjawz army. Da Boyz has got the looks and 'Krumpin is fun! 

Everyone seems to be taking Brutes almost exclusively over 'Ardboyz. Are they that much better on a per unit basis or is it because the goal is to have more units so the extra WAAGH! attacks are triggered more often? 

Like I said, I'm new to AoS so any advice about 'ow to bash 'dem other gits to bits is welcome.

Brutes are more killy, but ardboys are more resistant (read really cheap per effective life), and more models. Ardboys are great objective holder, and will win combat against most non-elite units. Personnaly I like playing a mix of Brutes, Ardboys and Gruntas as they fill different role (brutes for killing stuff, ardboys for board coverage and gruntas for speed)

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1 minute ago, broche said:

Brutes are more killy, but ardboys are more resistant (read really cheap per effective life), and more models. Ardboys are great objective holder, and will win combat against most non-elite units. Personnaly I like playing a mix of Brutes, Ardboys and Gruntas as they fill different role (brutes for killing stuff, ardboys for board coverage and gruntas for speed).

That sounds reasonable. Since I have a start collecting box I'll likely do the same. 

It just seems that the tournament armies are all brutes and maga bosses. 

...also did the general destruction 2D6 buff to speed get taken away? I'm a little unclear on what GHB18 did to the Ironjawz. I've been reading through the chain, but I haven't seen a summary of what changes actually happened. 

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You can still get de d6 bonus move from ironfist, but Allegience ability have change. Ironjawz is you roll a die for each character, and on a 6 (you get +2 to roll for your general if he is a megaboss) you either get a free move if you're more than 12'' away any ennemy units, a free charge if you're within 12'' or a free pile in move if you're engage (just the move, not the attack).

So basically round 1 with a bit of luck you can get a 12'' free move on a Maw krusha wich is quite good. Problem is that you can't really rely on that ability as it is quite random, and opponent can negate it by putting units withint 12'' (but that mean close stuff to kill wich is good)

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3 hours ago, Hankster said:

That sounds reasonable. Since I have a start collecting box I'll likely do the same. 

It just seems that the tournament armies are all brutes and maga bosses. 

...also did the general destruction 2D6 buff to speed get taken away? I'm a little unclear on what GHB18 did to the Ironjawz. I've been reading through the chain, but I haven't seen a summary of what changes actually happened. 

One thing to consider is that low model count forces can be a benefit in a timed tournament situation.  It makes almost every phase of the game quicker to resolve - which is not something to overlook.  It is also easier to travel with less models.  Elite armies are often partly popular in competitive situations for that reason.

Brutes have other advantages over Ardboyz than that, but Ardboyz have some advantages also.  Very few people would look across the table and expect a very easy game when an Ironjawz player plops 90+ Ardboyz onto the table.  That’s going to be a rough fight most of the time.

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I have a game lined up with a guy from my local club on Sunday and I'm looking at trying the following:

Cabbage: general

Hag: ally

Brutes x5

Brutes x5

Brutes x5

Gruntas x3

Gruntas x3





Wanted to try bloodtoofs for the bonus to bravery, charging and reducing the number of drops. Hag is for some magical support and another durable body. Cogs helps with the slow movement and can potentially make the hag a bit more durable. Plus, the hag is a damn fine model and I don't put it on the table enough as I'd like. 


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With the Aetherquartz Brooch & Mighty Waaagh, I've been toying around with this list as an extreme Alpha Strike list.

Looking for some thoughts.


Allegiance: Ironjawz
Mortal Realm: Hysh

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
- General
- Trait: Prophet of the Waaagh! 
- Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch 
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (80)
- Allies

3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

Gorefist (190)

Endless Spells
Chronomantic Cogs (60)

Total: 1470 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 11
Allies: 80 / 400
Wounds: 93


The idea is that you'll get on average 15/16 Mighty Waaaghs off on a turn one charge and then be fishing for 6's to beef up those Waaaghs. The shaman is not necessary, but I think would be useful to help the Goregruntas get an 8" charge.

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4 hours ago, froo said:

With the Aetherquartz Brooch & Mighty Waaagh, I've been toying around with this list as an extreme Alpha Strike list.

Looking for some thoughts.


Allegiance: Ironjawz
Mortal Realm: Hysh

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
- General
- Trait: Prophet of the Waaagh! 
- Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch 
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (80)
- Allies

3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

Gorefist (190)

Endless Spells
Chronomantic Cogs (60)

Total: 1470 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 11
Allies: 80 / 400
Wounds: 93


The idea is that you'll get on average 15/16 Mighty Waaaghs off on a turn one charge and then be fishing for 6's to beef up those Waaaghs. The shaman is not necessary, but I think would be useful to help the Goregruntas get an 8" charge.

Spend some of those points on making 2 units of 6.

You double the effectiveness of each waaagh! On the unit if you have 6 not 3.

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The list looks good.  I haven't had a chance to try the Hag but she looks cool.  

One thing to keep in mind.  One of the other big benefits to taking 2 battalions is that you can the take 2 more artefacts.  Allies can't use artefacts....so you have lost out on that benefit.   Boss skewer, Golden toof, aetherquartz brooch (from hysh) are all really solid.

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Yes, I understand I'm losing out on the extra artefacts, but it's something I'm willing to accept with trying out a list. 

For the general I was leaning toward taking the ethereal amulet to totally ignore rend. Hopefully that helps in making him a bit more tanky and live a little longer.

I've tried cogs in a few games before and, while helpful and powerful, I'm next leaning towards swapping it out for the emerald lifeswarm. Even point swap and helps with the lack of regeneration that ironjawz suffer from.

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Hi all. I am going to start ironjawz because I like the minis a lot. I found a good deal so I start with 10 ardboys, 5 brutes, 3 gruntas, 2 shaman, warchanter and megaboss.

The thing is I usually play Stormcast (not sachrosant), sylvaneth and Idoneth Deepkin. I have undead and kharadron too.

As I wanna 1k or 1500 because I know I will not play more with them I was thinking of how to go by now.

My friend always loses with Ironjawz and he says is going to sell them... I wanna show that Ironjawz are nice. I see them like Stormcast. Ardboys like liberators and brutes like retributors.

So with iron fist and the other buff of 4+ with megaboss as general I wanna go fast to objectives and I like the way it feels on a hard army tuning.

And with that what do u recommend to continue? My options are a Start Collecting (love gruntas) or more 2nd hand gruntas, megaboss on maw Krishna or wait till goblins...

Should I take as ally the malign portent hongoid wizard? 

Thanks to all

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Ironjawz are a bit unforgiving in my opinion.  You either smash and bash their heads off or you lose pretty hard.  Not much in between from my small experience so far.   Our buffs are only in effect during our turn, so your timing on things have to be pretty spot on.   You want to start the main fight on your turn.   With that in mind, you either are trying to Alphastrike them with Gorefist/Gordrakk, Ironfist/Gordrakk, Bloodtoof/Ironfist/cogs, or beta strike them with Bloodtoofs/Ironfist/cogs, Ironfist/cogs, Ironfist, or a non battalion setup with max wounds/bodies.  (the latter is the slowest)

  • You do not need anymore weirdnob shaman in my opinion.  I would pick up a Fungoid Cave Shaman (or 2) and possibly a Wurghog Prophet(or proxy).
  • 1-2 sets more of Gore-Gruntas.  Running them as a set of 6 is considered to be more effective depending on what you need.   Sometimes you do want to run them as sets of 3, if you need more units for Waagh, etc.
  • Mawkrusha is a must have and looks amazing.
  • 1-3 more units of brutes.  2 seems to be the minimum.  The brute boss is amazing.
  • At least one more Warchanter, possibly more.  Cheap points wise and super great.
  • 10-20 more ardboys so you can have a unit of up to 30.
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So pulled out the win today against Stormcast. We rolled up starstrike, 2k game, and he was playing a number of different units. From memory he had:



Ballista x2


Lord orinator

Prosecutors w/hammers

Knight Vexillor

Neave Blacktalon

Lord Aquilor

Pendulum and shackles for endless spells

He may have had more, but can't recall. I played the bloodtoofs list with the hag above

Basically, pigs were able to tarpit and survived longer than the should've. Cabbage was an all-star and did a decent job of doing damage and drawing attention from the rest of my army. The brutes did most of the heavy lifting, but the hag was the MVP. She scored the center objective evry round, got her signature debuff off and even punched out a unit that tried to take it from her. I was able to jump out to an early lead, score points every turn and do enough damage to win on scenario.

After one game, I'd look at dropping the bloodtoofs to get either more bodies or or heros. However, I like the base of the list and am looking forward to building off of it moving forward

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Thanks a lot @Superninja so the options will go start collecting and brutes. I will play very soon with that 1k army so I will go ardfist and use cogs as well... I hope to make a good battle so my friend starts loving ironjawz again. It's a beautiful army. It's true it would be fine to have something else maybe a bit of missile but I hope our tiny goblins will get something cool

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16 hours ago, Superninja said:

Ironjawz are a bit unforgiving in my opinion.  You either smash and bash their heads off or you lose pretty hard.  Not much in between from my small experience so far.   Our buffs are only in effect during our turn, so your timing on things have to be pretty spot on.   You want to start the main fight on your turn.   With that in mind, you either are trying to Alphastrike them with Gorefist/Gordrakk, Ironfist/Gordrakk, Bloodtoof/Ironfist/cogs, or beta strike them with Bloodtoofs/Ironfist/cogs, Ironfist/cogs, Ironfist, or a non battalion setup with max wounds/bodies.  (the latter is the slowest)

I think this phenomen have a lot to do with how they are currently played right now. It seem most players go for either Gorefist or Bloodtooth/cog with the brooch. Both are relativly low wound and body count army that will left you little chance of winning if you miss your strike somehow (so if your opponent screen well or he if has better mobility and kill you before). Personnaly I don't play those list (i more into weirdfist and bataillion-less). As someone mention earlier, a Ardboys spam (at least 50) playing the objectives could cause trouble to lots of army especially with the battleshock protection available now (golden tooth and reactive inspiring presence). At 4 points per effective life, Ardboys are among the most resistant units in the game by default. With the Waaagh, Maw krusha and Brutes that hit like a train, Ironjaw is one of the very good counterpunching army right now.

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Interesting. I do like the idea of a giant unit of Ardboys or two. That's 60 wounds with a 4+ save. Pretty hard to move.  It would synergize well with the Weirdnob. But I would be worried about getting WAAAGH! off with so few units. 


On a different note, from my reading of Bloodtooths the other Brawls you have to have at least one other battalion to take them. I'm I reading that correctly?  

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you could play 1 x 30 and 3 x 10 if you want more units the discount doesn't make out that much for the board coverage you lose. And you can always ally the Greenskin Warboss with the banner who have unrestricted waaagh, and reroll 1 to wound in Ironjawz is basically an ongoing extra free attack.

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On 8/24/2018 at 8:52 PM, Brakkus said:

I have a game lined up with a guy from my local club on Sunday and I'm looking at trying the following:

Cabbage: general

Hag: ally

Brutes x5

Brutes x5

Brutes x5

Gruntas x3

Gruntas x3





Wanted to try bloodtoofs for the bonus to bravery, charging and reducing the number of drops. Hag is for some magical support and another durable body. Cogs helps with the slow movement and can potentially make the hag a bit more durable. Plus, the hag is a damn fine model and I don't put it on the table enough as I'd like. 



How did the battle go? I'm really curious how the Hag preformed. How many points is it? I don't remember seeing it in the GHB18. 

I'm just starting out with the Ironjawz and the idea of a really durable spell caster sounds quite interesting. The Wierdnob isn't exactly lighting the world on fire for his points cost. 

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