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Da Black Sunz - Ironjawz - Battle Reports

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Afternoon Ardboyz!

Just doing a cheeky bit of cross thread promotion here! Rather than splitting off all my Ironjawz stuff into various topics across the forum, I have one big post within the Destruction sub forum. The thread will include all manner of stuff such as army lists, battle reports, general musings, painting and modelling etc.

I thought people who are fans of this section of the forum may appreciate some of these elements, so please feel free to check it out. I'm going to try and update as frequently as possible as I'm finding that it's keeping super enthused for the army - also reminds me of my old threads on druchii.net back in the day!

Thanks for looking,

Megaboss Chris


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Just a further cheeky plug for those of you who like battle reports but maybe don't venture into the Destruction sub forum. My topic there is pretty varied content wise but does have a number of reports for your perusal. There will be 3 more doubles reports to be added this week.

Thanks for looking,



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