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Nashcon Results

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Nashcon was an awesome event! Thanks to @David Griffin for running an awesome event. The terrain was solid, the army painting quality was super high and everything went super smoothly. I had 5 good games (not that I remember a whole lot about game 3 on Saturday.) Here are the results, as well as a few pictures from my game one, before the beer and whiskey made me forget to take pictures.













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On 6/5/2018 at 3:36 PM, bsharitt said:

I'm not a tournament guy, but I was seriously considering trying to do Nashcon this year, but I forgot all about it until I saw people posting about it Saturday.

It really was a blast! I definitely highly recommend it for next year. It's especially fun to get wrecked around a bunch of grumpy old historical gamers! ?

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On 6/6/2018 at 2:54 AM, Lardidar said:

Looks great! Anyone got the chaos list that won, heard it was council of blood

Council of Blood was definitely at least one of his two lists (Nashcon has you bring two lists, each of which you must play at least once. Mine was just an artifact change) and it took down a Change Host in round 5, which I'm always a fan of Khorne doing.

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4 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

Congrats on the number two finish!! I tried to convince my wife for "Random" trip down to nashville for NOOOO particular reason :P 

Hope you change your mind and make it up to NOVA. 

Thanks! Once again my one loss boiled down to one silly mistake. In game 4, Scorched Earth, I had a single (full health) Khorgorath holding one of my objectives on the 5th turn, which was threatened by his Lord of Afflictions. We were tied up on objective points and I had him on kill points. I won the initiative roll, and had the blood tithe points to move a unit of Skullcrushers basically across the board (16" + a charge + 4") to tie up the Lord of Afflictions and help hold that threatened objective, but I was focused on the other side of the board where I was threatening an objective (which I failed to take due to poor rolls) and didn't think about it until later. Instead I used my Blood Tithe to dispel Rotigus' spell on his turn, which would have been largely inconsequential if I had played correctly. His Lord of Afflictions takes the Khorgoroth down to 3 wounds. I think I've won anyway. He points out that he forgot to roll to see if his Lord of Afflictions does Mortal Wounds in the hero phase. I of course let him go back, cuz I wouldn't want to win that way anyway. He roles a 2+ to do 1 mortal wound, then rolls a 6+ and  rolls a 3 to do 2 more mortal wounds, killing the Khorgorath, taking the objective, and gaining the Major Victory. Literally came down to the last roll of the game.

It was a very unlikely series of events, but if I'd moved my Skullcrushers it would have been impossible for him to take the objective. Oh well. Still a very fun game.

I would love to go to NOVA, but I'm definitely not gonna be able to this year. Too much money spent on traveling already when I'm trying to buy a house.

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3 hours ago, MrZakalwe said:

More Stormcast than the rest of ORDER put together - shock twist - It's a shame so much of the AoS model range is hidden behind keyword barriers. 


Good showing taking second in that field! 


And that's a bit hyperbolic there. I count 5 Stormcast and 8 other Order lists. Which seems about right, given the poster boy nature of Stormcast. 

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9 minutes ago, SlaaneshCultist said:

Thanks! Once again my one loss boiled down to one silly mistake. In game 4, Scorched Earth, I had a single (full health) Khorgorath holding one of my objectives on the 5th turn, which was threatened by his Lord of Afflictions. We were tied up on objective points and I had him on kill points. I won the initiative roll, and had the blood tithe points to move a unit of Skullcrushers basically across the board (16" + a charge + 4") to tie up the Lord of Afflictions and help hold that threatened objective, but I was focused on the other side of the board where I was threatening an objective (which I failed to take due to poor rolls) and didn't think about it until later. Instead I used my Blood Tithe to dispel Rotigus' spell on his turn, which would have been largely inconsequential if I had played correctly. His Lord of Afflictions takes the Khorgoroth down to 3 wounds. I think I've won anyway. He points out that he forgot to roll to see if his Lord of Afflictions does Mortal Wounds in the hero phase. I of course let him go back, cuz I wouldn't want to win that way anyway. He roles a 2+ to do 1 mortal wound, then rolls a 6+ and  rolls a 3 to do 2 more mortal wounds, killing the Khorgorath, taking the objective, and gaining the Major Victory. Literally came down to the last roll of the game.

It was a very unlikely series of events, but if I'd moved my Skullcrushers it would have been impossible for him to take the objective. Oh well. Still a very fun game.

I would love to go to NOVA, but I'm definitely not gonna be able to this year. Too much money spent on traveling already when I'm trying to buy a house.

It was me you played round 4. Glad to see you took home the sportsmanship award. You took my vote for favorite openent. It was really fun playing against you. And had I known how the scoring worked there I would have given you the major ( since I did forget my own abilities and you kindly let me go back) seeing as I was going to drop tables either way. I had no idea how heavily weighted schemes were. I though undefeated put me at table 1. Oh well now I know. And congrats on you award again. Can’t wait till our next matchup.

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9 minutes ago, Soldier of decay said:

It was me you played round 4. Glad to see you took home the sportsmanship award. You took my vote for favorite openent. It was really fun playing against you. And had I known how the scoring worked there I would have given you the major ( since I did forget my own abilities and you kindly let me go back) seeing as I was going to drop tables either way. I had no idea how heavily weighted schemes were. I though undefeated put me at table 1. Oh well now I know. And congrats on you award again. Can’t wait till our next matchup.

No worries Trey! Yeah, 9 points a scheme is a big deal, which is why I placed so high even with a loss. Means 40% of the max points comes from schemes.

Appreciate the vote for best opponent, although it was Best Chaos not Best Sports that I won. Got a nice dagger out of it! I think the Best Sports award was the Kukri.

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Wow what a sportsman. I honestly can say I would have a hard time being that generous...except for when we played and I talked you out of moving your entire army ?

This is probably awkward and weird AF... but thats never stopped me before! If the sole barrier for you doing NOVA is budget, your welcome to stay at my house in my guest room. I live 10 minutes from the convention center in Alexandria. House hunting is extremely hectic and pounds your schedule in the face. So I get there may be other issues. 

Congrats on doing so well! You should be very proud! Picture of the best chaos award?!?

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13 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

This is probably awkward and weird AF... but thats never stopped me before! If the sole barrier for you doing NOVA is budget, your welcome to stay at my house in my guest room. I live 10 minutes from the convention center in Alexandria. House hunting is extremely hectic and pounds your schedule in the face. So I get there may be other issues. 

That's super generous Mathew! Thanks! But the bigger issue would be flight as well as the booze/food while I'm there. You'll be seeing some more of me in the mid west/east coast next year hopefully, after we move. Until then my last tournament of the year will be SoCal Open in San Diego I think.

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13 minutes ago, blueshirtman said:

Nice, destruction made it almost to top8. I wonder what list he  run.

From the pictures looks like there was some nice terrain too. Is the gryph astrolabium self made or did GW make them at some time, because it looks awesome?

I could be wrong on this, but I believe that his two lists were a Bonesplitterz list with Kunning Rukk, and a snowball throwing beastclaw list.

The terrain on that particular table is actually among the worst of any of the tables, and it's solid. Everything on it is official GW models, but there were a bunch of other tables with awesome 3D printed pieces. The coolest was a coastal table with a giant (like probably close to 2' tall) lighthouse on it.

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43 minutes ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

I'd love for a decent sized tournament like that to be in my state. 

I feel like there's a decent sized tournament in most states at this point, though it may take a bit of traveling to get there. If not, why not try running one!

That being said, in the last year I've probably flown 7000+ miles to go to various tournaments, so I may be a bit biased on what "a bit of travel" might be.

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6 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

Wow what a sportsman. I honestly can say I would have a hard time being that generous...except for when we played and I talked you out of moving your entire army ?

This is probably awkward and weird AF... but thats never stopped me before! If the sole barrier for you doing NOVA is budget, your welcome to stay at my house in my guest room. I live 10 minutes from the convention center in Alexandria. House hunting is extremely hectic and pounds your schedule in the face. So I get there may be other issues. 

Congrats on doing so well! You should be very proud! Picture of the best chaos award?!?

Playing Mike was awesome, it was my first real tournament and I had never played against most armies there. He was really good about explaining everything and he really should have won the match, letting me go back and me getting a 6 on the final roll( anything lower failed) was really cool of him. 

I think it’s players like Mike that make the game so much fun, even when it cost him a win.

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Congrats. I was thinking of going to Nashcon this year, but my budget is quite tight this year. Next year, I’m hoping to travel a lot more, probably to the Midwest more than the west since it’s a lot closer. Are you going to LVO?

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3 hours ago, gmulroney said:

Congrats. I was thinking of going to Nashcon this year, but my budget is quite tight this year. Next year, I’m hoping to travel a lot more, probably to the Midwest more than the west since it’s a lot closer. Are you going to LVO?

Hey Garret. I will have just moved to Minneapolis (moving the week between Xmas and NY) so I don't think I'll be able to swing LVO this year. If I do anything about that time it'll probably be Paca, since it's drivable. Unfortunately I won't really know what my time looks like until I'm out there, which means Paca will likely already be sold out.

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On 6/7/2018 at 2:05 PM, sal4m4nd3r said:

Wow what a sportsman. I honestly can say I would have a hard time being that generous...except for when we played and I talked you out of moving your entire army ?

This is probably awkward and weird AF... but thats never stopped me before! If the sole barrier for you doing NOVA is budget, your welcome to stay at my house in my guest room. I live 10 minutes from the convention center in Alexandria. House hunting is extremely hectic and pounds your schedule in the face. So I get there may be other issues. 

Congrats on doing so well! You should be very proud! Picture of the best chaos award?!?

Apologies, slight highjack. 

Hey @sal4m4nd3r I’ve just moved to Great Falls VA and will be at NOVA. Dropped you a PM. 

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