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Who is the Celestant-Prime?

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It's karl franz. 


The wrath of the God-King. The Avenging Angel of Azyr. The Bearer of the World-Hammer. The First Scion of Sigmar - this is the Celestant-Prime. A great king and guardian of men even in mortal life, he has been strengthened by a prodigious infusion of Sigmar’s divine might; but even this power was not enough. Now wielding the Skull Splitter, the Great Shatterer Ghal Maraz, the Celestant-Prime’s fury roars across the battlefields of the realms as an overwhelming clarion call. The thunderous impact of Ghal Maraz can slay a daemon with one blow, setting the spirit within free to make its way to Azyr.

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there was also great empires an kingdoms in the realms, theres a chamber of stormcasts who are all kings and nobles. 

unless it mentions anything relating to the old realm then its not really enough to confirm its him.


note also, it says " king " karl franz was the emperor. not the king. 

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2 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

That quote also says "Now wielding.." which could further suggest its not Karl Franz as he previously wielded Ghal Maraz anyways.

That said my AoS fluff-fu is weak.

That would be awesome, he's meant to be the first Stormcast, I imagine it would be someone who was kicking about long after Sigmar encountered the Mortal Realms.


 I'd like it to be Karl Franz but he's Sigmar, or was so i'm not sure if he could be the Prime.

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1 hour ago, Bowlzee said:

It one of the fluff books it mentions he's a great king from the Age of Myth. So that would rule out both Louen Leoncouer and Karl Franz

isn't the age of myth the fantasy stuff before AoS? Don't be ruining our hype, hope and dreams! xD

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The chronological order of the ages after the End Times are: After Draconthian awakened Sigmar, he explored the 8 realms and the Age of Myth developed, after which a brief period of utopia blossomed. Then came the Age of Chaos and it was during this time Ghal Maraz was lost and Sigmar sealed the Realmgates. After centuries of oppression, the Age of Sigmar began with the first Stormcast invasion of the Brimstone Peninsula.. Sorry to bust the bubble! :P

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18 minutes ago, Nubgan said:

isn't the age of myth the fantasy stuff before AoS? Don't be ruining our hype, hope and dreams! xD

Age of Myth was the prosperous time in the mortal realms, before Sigmar's pantheon of god's fell apart. But it's still after the world that was.

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10 minutes ago, Neil Peckett said:

Presumably then, we are all 'wrong' when we paint the Prime in the colour of our Chamber? , he should only be in whatever his 'official' colour scheme shoul be? 



Correct :) 

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While there is a distinction between an Emperor or King, I don't think it is great enough to invalidate Karl Franz as a candidate. I think the two terms actually have more in common than different and are easily interchangeable. Especially considering the effective role of these positions have been different throughout the years. Classic historical feudalistic monarch to modern constitutional monarchy; likewise early Roman to late roman emperor to napoleonic emperor?

I'm also not sure the text quoted below means that this was the first time the being who is now the Celestant Prime held Ghal Maraz; rather I think it's referring to how the infusion of Sigmar's might was not enough until he got Ghal Maraz.

A great king and guardian of men even in mortal life, he has been strengthened by a prodigious infusion of Sigmar’s divine might; but even this power was not enough. Now wielding the Skull Splitter, the Great Shatterer Ghal Maraz, the Celestant-Prime’s fury roars across the battlefields of the realms as an overwhelming clarion call.

Personally, I think Karl Franz fits the best in light of how much GW likes to bring old WFB characters forward and his already extremely strong connection to Sigmar.

That being said, anything is possible.


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37 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

Was it somewhere official or just fan-splaining where I read that his uniform changes to match the chamber he is dispatched to assist?

I have also read this, but I don't remember where. It might be in Battletome: Stormcast?

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In balance of power, All gates and the guardians of ever queen novel he was in the colours of the hallowed knights. I assume his colour changes depending on which host he is sent to help. It's more of a morale thing I suppose. 

I personally find this topic interesting since many people have their own theories. 

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