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Question about Knight-Heraldor rules: Is he broken?


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First post here, hi.

My group did the first dungeon of Hammerhal last night. Went swimmingly, but I gave players the option of switching characters for next week, carrying over XP and such, since they'd have a firmer grasp on the rules and what they find fun.

One guy wants to do a Knight-Heraldor for the Onwards to Glory action, mostly as a direct reaction to the healing lamp Stormcast guy sucking on toast. Because it's a reaction, he found something I think is highly broken and I'm wondering if I'm just massively misreading it. The card:


Onwards to Glory takes a 5+ die. You move then make a combat action. Does this mean that I can spend a 5, move then roll my Thunderblast, which would ordinarily require a 6+? Does this mean that with Call to Arms, the Cogsmith eg can move and then do a Grudgeraker action (which was insanely good in our first game, clearing whole rooms) with a 5 rather than a 6?

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On the Silver Tower Hero card (which looks updated judging by what you’ve just said) on a 4+, other heroes can move before they make their attack (following normal rules).

To me (and judging by the wording of the Knight-Heraldor’s other ability), the other heroes still have to use a die to attack as normal.

Therefore as far as I see, Call to Arms allows just the free (D3 squares) move for other heroes, not free attacks.

(I don’t have his rules from the app so can’t check to see any differences in wording though)


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  • 4 weeks later...

As a follow up I’m going to concur with @Circus of Paint neither the app, nor the physical card in the WHQ hero pack has the “onward to glory” action. I’ve seen it referenced on some online forums, but it appears to have vanished into the ether.

On 4/5/2018 at 8:28 AM, brocktoon said:

One guy wants to do a Knight-Heraldor for the Onwards to Glory action, mostly as a direct reaction to the healing lamp Stormcast guy sucking on toast. Because it's a reaction, he found something I think is highly broken and I'm wondering if I'm just massively misreading it. [...]


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