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Fyreslayers vs Ironjawz: Utter defeat


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Today I had a Fyreslayer vs Ironjawz game. It is my worst defeat in AoS so far. We played with 64 wounds per side, mainly because that was the total of both our collections. The objective was killing the oponent's characters to achieve victory points: unit champion 1 point, hero 2 points, general 3 points. After 6 turns the final score was 16-1, a painful defeat for my Fyreslayers and the complete anihilation of my forces. I have to blame the worst collection of dice rolls ever for this result, but the fury of Grimnir still burns within me and my forces will come back to the battlefield.

My army:


My oponent's Ironjawz:


The Vulkite Berzerkers practicing the noble art of pork chopping:


The Grimwrath Berzerker tries to even the score charging the Orruk Megaboss (such a beast):


An example of the awful rolls I made during the whole game (that was an actual roll, I promise):


Not much to write about. Those Orruks are really tough and hit very hard. I retreat to my mountain to lick my wounds and sharpen my axes for the next battle.



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Some days the dice just don't like you. :P Nothing you can do about it. 

From the pics it looks a pretty even fight, the Orruks maybe up on you by a couple of points or so. Guessing the double turns favoured the orruks, that's always been the most one-sided games I've played. Love it when the dice bless me with the double turns though. 


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Besides the dice rolls, I made a huge mistake by splitting my forces. I sent the Runeson, a Grimwrath and 5 Hearthguard Berzerkers against the thick of his forces. And the combination of being outnumbered and my poor dice rolls were fatal.

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Overall what is your opinion of the Fyreslayers.  I have started an army but still have key models to pick up.  I love their fluff and the rules just look like a lot of fun.  I have only played one game with them and was also soundly defeated, but I made some mistakes, common to first time playing a new army.


By the way, I love the table you are playing on.  Is that a FAT Mat?

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9 hours ago, Templeton said:

Overall what is your opinion of the Fyreslayers.  I have started an army but still have key models to pick up.  I love their fluff and the rules just look like a lot of fun.  I have only played one game with them and was also soundly defeated, but I made some mistakes, common to first time playing a new army.


By the way, I love the table you are playing on.  Is that a FAT Mat?

Fyreslayers are a curious army to play. Everybody thinks it's just an agressive melee army, but we have a bag full of tricks: Throwing axes (we are the most short-range shooty army out there, invulnerable saves, deep striking, rerolls of all kinds, deadly suicide Magmadroths and our jewel of the crown the Grimwrath Berzerker. All this makes an interesting and rewarding army to play, although it has a learning curve to take advantage of all the posibilities it offers. Your opponents will think that your only tactic is jumping to their faces and we certainly know how to do that, but we have many ways to punch a face.

And their fluff...who doesn't love fanatical berzerker dwarven mercenaries?!?!? 

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