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To round or not to round

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I've been toying with the idea of switching to rounds - at least for my smaller units.  Mostly because they look really nice.  I noticed on GW's site a lot of the bases I would need are sold out.  I wonder if this is an indication of players embracing the system?

In any case - where can I find 60x35 ovals and the like?  I can find really expensive ones, but nothing on ebay or approaching GW's price.

Also, what's your opinion on rounds?  Large blocks on squares are a huge pain to pile-in  (for me) and it seems like a tray goes out the window as soon as you do.  Who here is using rounds for hordes and how is it working out for you?

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I definitely like rounds aesthetically and on an individual model basis. Really like cavalry on the ovals. The game was meant to be played with rounds.

However, I'm finding a full army on rounds isn't scratching a certain itch visually for me. Thinking about springing for those litko trays that you can put rounds on into a square formation just for shelf purposes, not in-game.

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I am rebasing my Wanderers as well. Just looks better for the game, I feel. Also, if I get some new releases then everything will match up. I ordered my bases from Litko. They were the best deal I found. Personally, I am just going 40mm rounds for cal so everything matches. 

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I would say look at your local scene.  They may stick with Squares so there is no rush, but the community as a whole is going rounds.  Right now I have a Wood Elf army of squares that I built as an 8th army.  My vision for the army is the rank and flank so I will finish them on squares.  That said I have a stormcast army on rounds and an elf army entirely on rounds as my next project (granted on 32mm so they may be changed to 25mm asd I guess wrong lol).  

If possible start a new army with rounds if your hesitant, but go with your gut.

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I have such a hard time switching my Skaven army to rounds...I spent so much time and effort on the basing (cave floor)....I'm not sure I won't just start over. I dunno, jury is still out for this one. 

My Mono-Tzeentch Warriors of Chaos on the other hand, I think those I'd redo. I did the army...in 2006? I used slate to symbolize them crossing cracking glaciers and ice covered water. It just doesn't look as good as it did 10 years ago...but it's another army I may just reboot anyway.

I'm working on Greenskinz now, and happy to roundbase :)

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When I saw the early pic of skeletons on 25mm looking amazing I was 100% sold. 

I was extremely disappointed by how GW just kind of said bases don't matter and then released these mixed base packs at a pretty crappy price point. I had thought they were going to release like 100 base packs for dirt cheap to help people transition. The new cav bases are particularly hard to get in bulk at any kind of decent price. This was a huge slap in the face for existing fans who were already feeling like GW dumped their hobby in the trash.

I guess I'm just one of the few crazy people ready to rip apart all the work they have done (I started AoS with large undead, Wood Elf and Skaven armies). Really as a result I have seen almost nobody from 8th carry over with their old models. I know of only one guy trying to play with their old square bases. Almost everyone who transitioned did so by starting a new khorne or stormcast army. I expect people to be making more an effort now with the Generals Handbook though.

Theres a Hong Kong company that sells (counterfeit) bases on ebay for cheap, they are identical to GW in every way, just may take a while to arrive. Looks like there's a Chinese company doing it now too but I have never ordered from them.  I have bags of a couple hundred 25mm, a hundred 40mm and some 32mm. Now that a lot of stuff comes with round, bits sellers on ebay are starting to have more of the different sorts of bases available for cheap. 

Round bases just work better, look better. Trying to play AoS on my old metal magnetized movement trays just feels weird. There are certain people who just love the look of a ranked unit, and I'm happy to play with them but that's def not me. Even so, I see these players start to move away from their trays because AoS is just more organic and doesn't need to be limited by rigid trays. 

Magnetized trays are still useful for the purposes of transport and travel. Models are safer in a big case magnetized down. Personally i would stick to 1/8 round rare earth magnets (glued under bases) on metal trays - magnet-bases & magnet tape has much less force and may be unreliable. 

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Spent months switching my Warriors to cobblestone bases.  Just as I finish BOOM AGE OF ROUNDS, BABY.

I was holding off, but now that I'm 100% in to Age of Sigmar, I'll grudgingly tear it all up again.  At least this way I can MAYBE do an easier/less time consuming base and then have all of my Chaos forces on similar style.

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Rebasing = pain but I think I'm gonna do it. I prefer rounds visually but the real reason is ease of gameplay, rounds just flow better on the table.

Some of my friends are still stuck in 8th so I'm actually also planning to make new movement trays that take the rounds - main problem there is how much bigger 32mm rounds are than 25mm square but I'll figure something out. :)

Speaking of my 8th-playing friends, their main AoS beef (now that points are back) is how the lack of rank-and-file means movement trays aren't a great fit for the game, leaving you moving lots of models individually. So my other "bases" project is a rules mod for rank-and-file formations that makes them about as effective/useful as the game's default free-form skirmish style - basically any unit can form up that way if they like and they get a modest bonus to make up for the manoeuvrability/pile-in drawbacks. Means they can keep their square bases and movement trays and still look good!

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Most of my units deploy in a psuedo rank formation and as long as you place the front rank properly you can free-hand move the rest rather quickly.  I can see a house rule like that being helpful to drag in more oldbloods though. :) 

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32 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Rebasing is a pain but well worth it. Can get mdf bases from sarrisa precision; cheap and look good.

 I am semi-scared of getting those MDF bases, does the plastic stick well to them? If it does, I wouldn't mind rebasing ALL my armies given the cost. Currently though I have about 16000pts (8th edition) of WoC, DoC, Wood Elves and Dark Elves that are all squared, and I agree that the round thing looks really nice, and they deserve a better basing effort for the most part.

It makes me feel like I am using super old models that I am using as a proxy, despite me really loving my Wood Elves especially. I'd love to get some of the new Sylvaneth stuff to use with my Wood Elves, but was immediately put off because it feels like starting again because of the difference in bases.

Maybe I just need to have a word with myself, but the aesthetic really matters to me.

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3 minutes ago, Nubgan said:


 I am semi-scared of getting those MDF bases, does the plastic stick well to them?

I used Super Glue (plastic cement obviously won't work) and they are as solid as a rock.

MDF bases are also really nice to use compared to plastic, because they are a bit more weighty.

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I've rebased about 12000 points of dark elves. My technique was to keep the top of the square base by cutting the vertical sides off and then glueing the old base to the new round base.

This works well for infantry but cavalry bases are more tricky. If you just want to take the model completely off the old base and put on a round, that'd work fine too.

Either way, use superglue, it'll work a treat!

Photos of the rebasing of my 30 witches and cauldron. Started like this...image.jpeg

Took about 30 mins to takes all the base sides off...

image.jpg...and another 15 mins to glue them onto the rounds.


Then just needed to fill up with some sand and give the base a quick paint.  Job done and witches ready to smash some face!

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