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Review - Maggotkin of Nurgle - Rotbringers Scrolls Pg3

Chris Tomlin

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Right then, time to take a look at these warscrolls! A number of these are already available on the GW website and the app, so you can check them in full. Just to note that I will also just be referring to the scrolls in the Battletome, obviously there are a bunch of others that you can freely take within a Nurgle army from the Pestilens book and also any generic mortal Chaos/Slaves to Darkness available. 

Part IV - Nurgle Daemon Warscrolls

Rotigus - This is the one battletome where I think it would be fair to say we didn't need any new named characters, however we did get one and man am I pleased we did! Rotigus is the new named Great Unclean One (inline with Skarbrand and Kairos) and as a new kit, I'll just quickly note on what a fantastic model he is. Aesthetically it's probably my favourite build from that kit and looks disgustingly great. In game he's statted and pointed as per the regular Great Unclean One and obviously will not able to take a command trait or artefact. Like his unnamed counterpart, he can brush off wounds or mortal wounds on a 5+ (on a 6+ in combat you will bounce mortal wounds back) and heals D3 wounds each hero phase. He has two other rules that allow him to dish out mortal wounds at short range as we've discussed throughout this thread, that kind of sums up Nurgle pretty nicely. Lots of little ways to put out D3 mortal wounds all over the place. He can cast two spells, which can further this cause and also has a pretty tasty one of his own. Deluge of Nurgle is similar to the Stardrake's Rain of Stars, both in name and rules. I think this spell is really really strong and will allow you to really weaken a large number of units each hero phase. Rotigus' scroll is available online so I don't need to go into full detail on the spell, but if you haven't already read it, be sure to check it out. It's particularly handy you can attempt the Deluge and still put out a Mystic Shield or something if required. I should note that he's actually pretty decent in combat, take a look at that slightly inexplicable 3" range on his Gnarlrod! Whilst Rotigus has suffered less than 3 wounds this offers some solid, reliable damage. I think he's a really solid choice and suspect we will see lists with a couple of regular Great Unclean Ones in, so perhaps Rotigus will take up the secondary slot on occasion. I hope so! Also as he doesn't have a command ability, you're not wasting anything by having him fulfil this role.

Great Unclean One - Like the Lord of Change in the Disciples of Tzeentch book, the Great Unclean One has received an improved profile to go along with his fantastic new, massive, model! I'm a fan of this and it seems much more in keeping with what we'd expect from a greater daemon nowadays (I remember when the old ones would be the biggest model on the table, crazy!). Obviously to go along with this, he's gone up in points a bit. About the same as most battalions went up in the GH2017 if you want a little reference. I have to say that this guy is great, a really strong piece that will form the lynchpin of most Nurgle armies I reckon. We've already talked about the traits and artefacts, and there are certainly a few solid options. As well as these, you also have a couple of options with the weapons he can take in each hand. I won't go through them all here as you can read his scroll online, suffice to say I think there are a couple of strong build options. I think the Doomsday Bell is an absolute must for any Nurgle army, like it's a 1+ option in this book for me. Granting +3" move to any unit within 7" of the Great Unclean One in the hero phase is massive, especially when stacked with the Unnatural Vitality buff from the cycle which grants a further +2". Don't forget all the ways to manipulate the cycle we talked about. It's entirely viable to ensure your key units are moving at pretty crazy speeds to take up important early board positioning (also helps with contagion points). I have to say I'm not sure how I feel about these speed buffs as they don't particularly fit with my own perception of Nurgle, but that aside you gotta admit it's great ruleswise! His other options are also decent, with the ability to take damage to increase casting/unbinding attempts. Remember that like Rotigus, he heals D3 wounds a turn, so you can definitely use this ability to good effect. Other than that, you can make a solid combat build. Don't forget that Nail!!! His new command ability is so much better than the old one, granting +1 attack to a Nurgle Daemon unit's combat attacks with 21". Tasty. So yeh, very strong option. I'd be surprised to not see at least one copy in every list, with two still being a solid option (until you actually start writing lists and running out of points!!).

Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle - This is the OG Nurgle Herald and he's changed up a bit here. He has the Disgustingly Resilient 5+ "ward" save that you'll expect from the Nurgle Daemons, he can pass out a tiny amount of healing in your hero phase. Most interestingly, he is now a Wizard and has a spell that can pump out another D3 mortal wounds (in case you need it). I kinda feel for this guy, you will need some heroes around other than the Great Unclean Ones to help trigger the Loci on your units, but I'm not entirely sure he'll see much play. Went up a small amount.

Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle - This guy has remained pretty much the same. He took a tiny points increase and had a small change to his tally wording, so that you only count up enemy models slain caused by friendly Nurgle units. Finally, when the tally gets to 21+, you now generate an extra contagion point each hero phase. He's still good, you'll still see him on the table.

Spoilpox Scrivener, Herald of Nurgle - The first of the two new Nurgle Heralds. Statted the same as the Poxbringer and pointed at his old cost, this guy is a useful buff piece if you're running Plaguebearers. He gives reroll 1's to charge and hits to Plaguebearer units within 7". Has mediocre combat and short ranged attacks. Definitely useful.

Sloppity Bilepiper, Herald of Nurgle - This dude is statted and pointed as per the Scrivener and has a couple of different buffs. You can reroll failed charge rolls and hit rolls of 1 for Nurglings and Great Unclean Ones (Keyword) within 7". He also adds 1 to your bravery and subtracts 1 from opponents within 7". 

Horticulous Slimux - This guy is pretty new so we all know about him. He did get a slight change to his scroll to allow him to plant a Feculant Gnarlmaw within 3" of him once per game. Don't forget the battalion that allows him to do this every phase. Everyone likes the model, rightly so, and I barely feel we've had time to see people experiment with him yet, so I can see him making his way into plenty of Nurgle armies initially. Long term I'm not sure he's good enough to be honest, buffing Beasts isn't all that. 

Plaguebearers - Other than the loss of the ability to be summoned (same with all Nurgle Daemons) and a slight points increase, these are still the Nurgle Daemon Battleline we know and love. Likely to be the core of many a Nurgle army. Super solid and new for 2018, super speedy!!

Plague Drones - These guys have actually gotten slightly cheaper, though there is a change to their Locus rule meaning that they no longer get mortal wounds. Instead they add 1 to their attacks characteristics when within 7" of a Nurgle hero. That's pretty powerful and potentially better. 

Beasts of Nurgle - The new Beast kit is absolutely fantastic I think, perhaps my favourite of the release tbh. Unfortunately I'm not sure we are going to see it on the table all that much. They would perhaps have a place as a cheap blocking unit, however they have received a points increase. Now to be fair the increase is justified as they gained a wound and the disgustingly resilient rule, both of which means these cheeky chaps will stick around much longer. The Slime Trail and Locus rules also got better / simplified. The Slime Trail does mortal wounds on 4+ when the Beast retreats, which combos nicely with the unchanged Attention Seekers rule. So as you'll see he is being sold as a mid range tarpit and feasibly could operate in that role. The Locus now adds +1 damage when within 7" of a Nurgle Daemon Hero, so he does have the ability to put out some pain as well.

Nurglings - The Porgs of the Mortal Realms have gone up a bit in cost, but gained an ability to dish out an extra mortal wound at the end of any combat phase they inflicted a wound on a 2+. You can also "deepstrike" them now, which is really nice. Bear in mind you'll still be able to get the +2 move from the cycle even if they drop on other side of the board. Pretty useful IMO.

I'm going to leave it there as that took longer than expected! I'll come back with the Rotbringers scrolls as a Part V.

Will be up tomorrow, apologies for the delay.

Feel free to ask any questions if I've been too vague, just no exact points.


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12 hours ago, Arkiham said:

Is epi wounds made or models slain ?

Tally is enemy models slain.

11 hours ago, Tasman said:

Awesome job.

Cheers man, thanks for reading.

4 hours ago, ChippyRick said:

Great update @Chris Tomlin, avoided most info so far so actually quite exciting reading through this.

Definitely looking forward to the Rotbringers bits later, dont you be running out of time for this ;) 

Rotbringers definitely coming later today. Still off work, so just done some chores around the house, gonna paint a bit now and then will get to work on this early evening.

You considering a return to Nurgle yourself?

2 hours ago, Socrates said:

Thanks for this Chris! Can't wait to read the battle tome myself later this week. Until then, keep the reviews coming please :D 

No worries mate, appreciate the comments and as above, I certainly will do :) 

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Part V - Rotbringers Warscrolls

The Glottkin - The brothers have remained largely the same, with only a minor change to their Horrific Opponent rule (now just a 2D6 rolls against opponents Bravery). They've also stayed the same in terms of points etc. The command ability is undeniably useful and Fleshy Abundance can create headaches for your opponent on a crucial turn vs a bit Plaguebearer unit etc. However, you obviously have to weigh up whether the command ability is worth trading off for a command trait on another model. I have to say that at more points that the Great Unclean One, I don't particularly expect to see mama Glott's boys on the table all that often.

Oghotts Daemonspew - I'm a little biased here as for some unknown reason I really like this guy, having used him during WFB End Times and also a whole bunch in AoS in the early days (and weirdly not since painting him - see below). If when I do a Nurgle army, I think I will feel obliged to use Orghotts even though he still, unfortunately, sucks. He's had a slight increase in points, which is a shame as he never saw play previously. The only difference in his scroll is a clever tidying up of his Fury of the Halfblood rule, which was a bit messy before. I approve of this change. But yeh, inexplicable sentimental reasons aside, I can't give a reason why you'd use this Maggoth Lord.

Bloab Rotspawned - Again, we've seen a small points increase here. Unlike Orghotts, Bloab does get some new toys, by way of the Mortal and Rotbringers spell lores. However, he's only getting to cast one spell a turn. His warscroll hasn't changed and unfortunately like Orghotts, we are still unlikely to see him. I would've liked to have seen him get a second spell here to entice use/

Morbidex Twiceborn - This Maggoth Lord is to @The Lost Lighthouse (Gary) what Orghotts is to me. Again; small points increase, no rules change. It's a clean sweep for this trio of cool characters, all of which are amazing models, all of which are overshadowed by other choices in this book. Sorry to sound down on these guys, I just really like them and had hoped for a reduced cost or some new rules. A battalion for using all 3 with some Blightkings or something would've been awesome as well. 

Lord of Afflictions - The first of the new entries in this part of the review. This is the dude who rides into battle on a Rot Fly (how great is this new kit?!). He comes in at 8 wounds, with a 4+ save, heals a wounds each hero phase and is Disgustingly Resilient, which makes for a very durable character. His command ability allows you to increase 8" to the move of a Pusgoyle Blightlords unit. Don't forget this will stack with the Cycle of Contagion and the Great Unclean One's Doomsday Bell! Also if you run the Affliction Cyst battalion this will work on all Blightlord units within 14", not just one. Pretty nice if you want to go that route. He has a chance to ping a mortal wound on close by units (friend or foe) and whilst the main reason to take him is to improve your Blightlords, he does also allow you re-roll hits of 1 for friendly Rotbringer units within 7". So there is some incentive to include him regardless, but yeh...go Affliction Cyst or go home with this guy! (I just want to see that battalion on the table!!). Oh, just a reminder that for once we are not looking at a named character here so you can treat yourself to a command trait and artefact.

Festus the Leechlord - Back to another named character, Festus has gone up ever so slightly. He's also had a couple of small changes to his scroll (a lot of these have just had some flavour text removed which makes for clearer scrolls IMO), the first of which is that you have to roll a 2+ for both brew options. Also Curse of the Leper now cannot be cast on the same unit more than once during a battle. I suppose it would be easy to gloss over Festus, but his spell is really really good!! Tucked alongside a Great Unclean (offering his healing brew where needed) and advancing to support Blightkings with this spell seems like it could prove effective. I suspect he'll see some experimentation in lists, especially as some people will already have the model knocking about.

Harbinger of Decay - Again, small price increase here and a tidying up of wording. The Rotsword has been simplified to a single roll. On a 2+ the nominated Hero takes D3 mortal wounds, however if you get 4+ each other enemy unit with 7" of the Hero also take a mortal wound. His command ability is the same and is great, albeit slightly short range. Not a bad choice at all and can be part of my favourite, the Blight Cyst.

Sorcerer - This is the Rotbringers Sorcerer renamed. He also got a small points increase, but I think will be a popular choice. Certainly a good value piece, especially as he has access to both the Mortal and Rotbringers spell lores. Probably reasonably close to a 1+ choice. 

Lord of Blights - The second of the Rotbringers new boy here and once again, wow what a model! I've talked quite a lot about the Blight Cyst battalion already, which I do think is going to be pretty powerful. So with that in mind, you're gonna want this guy.  He's statted and pointed like the Lord of Plagues (which, spoiler, has gone up).  7 wounds and a 4+ save is reasonable for infantry characters I reckon. His combat attacks look unremarkable, but 3 attacks, 3+, 3+, -1 and 2 damage is actually pretty reliable for squeezing through a bit of damage. He also has a shooting attack and can also pass out a slightly lesser version to a Blightking unit within 3", which is a tidy bonus. Within the Blight Cyst, this ability actually transfers to all Blightking units within 3", not too shabby as a tertiary benefit.  His command ability essentially casts the Plaguebearer's Cloud of Flies ability on a Nurgle unit within 21". This ability is named differently however, so would actually stack on Plaguebearers as far as I can see.

Gutrot Spume - Like Orghotts, Gutrot is another favourite of mine since The End Times. Fortunately he's done more than a little better than the Maggoth Lord. After suffering through the old version of Towering Arrogance, I have to say I was mighty impressed to read this new scroll. He's gone up a little bit, but is actually well worth his new cost and pretty solid I reckon. His Clutching Pseudopods rule is simplified and now just stops a weapon working within 1" on a 4+, potentially really tasty. Towering Arrogance is now a passive ability that just gives him re-roll 1's to hit Heroes. However, if there are any Heroes within 3", he cannot target units that are not Heroes. This does mean that a canny opponent may find it possible to freeze him from attacking. Finally, he has one very flavourful addition by way of his new Master of the Slime Fleet rule. This allows you to not deploy Gutrot and 1 unit of Blightkings on the table. At the end of your first movement phase you then deploy both within 6" of each other and the table edge, as well as 9" away from all enemies. Really cool. I like him a lot.

Lord of Plagues - The final Rotbringers character has got a complete overhaul (and a small points increase to offset this). His attack profile remains the same, but also has the Blightkings exploding attacks rule (D6 hits on a 6+ to hit) now, which is nice. This gives him the entirely unlikely, but fun to list, maximum damage output of 54 wounds in a single phase haha!! To go along with this, you roll a dice after he's attacked and add the number of wounds caused. If you get 7+ you immediately score a contagion point. Whilst 54 is unlikely, the contagion point is totally achievable and a nice little boost. On top of this (yep, he does more!), you can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for Blightking units within 7" of him...clearly great as it gives you another bit at those exploding sixes! Oh, he has a command ability as well. Pick a unit within 21", roll 7 dice, each 6 is a mortal wound. He's really great now, but doesn't need to be your General.

Putrid Blightkings - Well here we are, one of the biggest winners in this book. A points deduction and an extra wound suddenly make these super viable as it is. If you've read all the previous bits of my review, you'll know that there are ways to boost these in every section I've covered; allegiance abilities, spells, battalions, Daemon units, Rotbringer units...they all have something to offer what will now become one of the staple offensive infantry units in the game I believe. Not much to actually say for the entry itself, just stack up everything thus far and you will see the potential these have. I'm sure we will see pure Daemon armies prove effective, but in any mixed build a couple of units of these are really going to give the opponent a front line threat they have to deal with....and I didn't event mention the Blight Cyst again...

Pusgoyle Blightlords - The mounted counterpart to the Blightkings and undoubtedly one of the coolest kits in the range. These guys are going to be a tough nut to crack, a real tarpit. 7 wounds each, with a 4+ save and Disgustingly Resilient. Very nice indeed. Combat wise, you can literally mash up a Blightking and a Plague Drone's Rot Fly and you'll know what you are getting (including the exploding attacks). Half the models in the unit can have a single bell attack which is nice, but not reliable (4+, 3+. -2, 2). The downside here is that I do think these cost a fair bit and each Blightlord works out at around 3 1/2 Blightkings. I will be very interested to see the general consensus on these 6 months down the line. I think they'll see experimentation because they are awesome new models, but ultimately I don't think their tankiness will prove to be enough value for their cost. I'm more than happy to end up wrong on this one though.

And I think that's pretty much it guys! Just a couple of quick things;

Feculent Gnarlmaw - We've talked about how you get these and kind of what they do in regards to summoning and contagion points.  However they do have a couple of other rules that are worth mentioning. In your charge phase, Nurgle units within 7" can attempt to charge even if they ran. This is clearly great and means you'll have to give careful consideration to where you place additional Gnarlmaws throughout the game. Kinda reminds me of speed boosts on racing video games. I'll give one last shout out to the Blightkings as they also get +1 to run. The speed these things can move at is insane! You also have a chance to do a mortal wound to units within 3" in the hero phase on a 4+. Seems only right we'd finish up taking about ways to ping mortal wounds and speed boosts; two things very in keeping with the over all feel of this great new army.

Allies - Khorne, Brayherds, Chaos Gargants, Everchosen, Monsters of Chaos, Slaanesh, Slaves to Darkness (excluding units with mark of Tzeentch), Warherds.

There we have it, Maggotkin of Nurgle; what a book! I have to say the options available in this book, combined with the fantastic model range have really made to consider going back to Nurgle and finishing off a full army now. 

It was a lot of fun (and even more time) to review the book in this fashion. Thanks to everyone who has read it, liked or shared so far. I would hugely appreciate anyone doing this, as it will raise the profile of the review and enable me to do this kind of thing again in the future. As I said when I covered Ironjawz in the GH2017 like this, I get a lot of enjoyment from TGA and am more than happy to give something back by posting directly here and not linking to my site etc. I think/hope @Ben likes it as well :P 

If I get a chance I'll quickly jot down a few sample lists for you for some thoughts/ideas on how a list might come together.

Anyway, that's it. I look forward to seeing plenty of Nurgle on the table soon and once again, thanks for reading,



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Some super quick 2,000 point matched play lists. Please note that minimal thought has gone into these ones, they are just intended as an idea of the kind of things you can fit into a list using just the book (don't forget there are plenty more options to consider. I've looked at Plagueclaws, Marauder, Chaos Sorcerer Lords and Varanguard allies outside of the book for some of my other WIP lists).

Think of these more as templates;

Blight Cyst

Lord of Blights
Lord of Plagues
Gutrot Spume

10 Blightkings
10 Blightkings
10 Blightkings
5 Blightkings

Blight Cyst

Affliction Cyst

Lord of Afflictions
Lord of Blights

4 Pusgoyle Blightlords
4 Pusgoyle Blightlords
4 Pusgoyle Blightlords

Affliction Cyst

One Drop Daemons (illegal - needs 3rd Battleline unit)

Great Unclean One / Rotigus
Spoilpox Scrivener, Herlad of Nurgle

30 Plaguebearers
30 Plaguebearers
3 Plague Drones
3 Plague Drones
3 Nurglings
2 Beasts of Nurgle

Tallyband of Nurgle


Great Unclean One
Lord of Blights

5 Blightkings
5 Bightkings
5 Blightkings
30 Plaguebearers
3 Plague Drones
3 Plague Dones

Blight Cyst

End of Times Bro!

Orghotts Daemonspew
Gutrot Spume
Lord of Blights
Lord of Plagues

10 Blightkings
5 Blight Kings
5 Blight Kings
2 Pusgoyle Blightlords

Blight Cyst

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On 1/6/2018 at 3:27 PM, Chris Tomlin said:

So I'm not going to go into too much detail or anything and won't cover the lore side of things (I'm sure @Spirit of Grungni will have us covered there in due course!). 



You are darn right we are! Garagehammer 185 - Maggotkin of Nurgle will be out on 25 Jan and will cover the lore in typical GH fashion!

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This spoiler is pretty awesome and I’m glad I stumbled across this site. What a shame Orghotts isn’t better as I too have a soft spot for the old Half-Blood. 

How does taking things like a Chaos Warshrine work with this book? Is it still considered part of the Maggotkin or is it an ally?

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9 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

One Drop Daemons

Great Unclean One / Rotigus
Spoilpox Scrivener, Herlad of Nurgle

30 Plaguebearers
30 Plaguebearers
3 Plague Drones
3 Plague Drones
3 Nurglings
2 Beasts of Nurgle

Tallyband of Nurgle

Think this one is illegal, you lack one battleline unit for 2K ;)

Neither Drones, Nurglings nor Beasts fulfill this role

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My list for next tournament will probably be:

GUO a.k.a. Tinker Bell (bell, knife),

Herald (classic, no dancing no writing just fighting and a little bit of magicking around)

Gutrot Spume

30 Plaguebearers,

10 Plaguebearers,

10 Blightkings,

3 Drones,

3 Drones,


Up to a total of whooping 1980 points


All in one drop, only downside I see at the moment is the fact I needed to split Drones into two units, due to Tallyband requirements (4 units from Bearers, Drones).

Command ability, two artifacts and two spells to choose and I am ready for some combat.

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4 hours ago, Kibrakhan said:

This spoiler is pretty awesome and I’m glad I stumbled across this site. What a shame Orghotts isn’t better as I too have a soft spot for the old Half-Blood. 

How does taking things like a Chaos Warshrine work with this book? Is it still considered part of the Maggotkin or is it an ally?

If you give it mark of Nurgle it is part of the army , not an ally.

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1 hour ago, Malin said:

My list for next tournament will probably be:

GUO a.k.a. Tinker Bell (bell, knife),

Herald (classic, no dancing no writing just fighting and a little bit of magicking around)

Gutrot Spume

30 Plaguebearers,

10 Plaguebearers,

10 Blightkings,

3 Drones,

3 Drones,


Up to a total of whooping 1980 points


All in one drop, only downside I see at the moment is the fact I needed to split Drones into two units, due to Tallyband requirements (4 units from Bearers, Drones).

Command ability, two artifacts and two spells to choose and I am ready for some combat.

That’s three drops man.

Btw thanks again @Chris Tomlin for doing these! Could you answer another little question: did the Rotbringer Sorcerer definitely not go up in points? He was 100 before and I’ve seen conflicting reports on whether he went up or not...

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8 hours ago, Spirit of Grungni said:

You are darn right we are! Garagehammer 185 - Maggotkin of Nurgle will be out on 25 Jan and will cover the lore in typical GH fashion!

Nice! There’s been some solid coverage of the rules so far, so rounding this out with an in-depth focus of the lore will be perfect. 

7 hours ago, Tasman said:

You rock dude!

Cheers man! 

6 hours ago, Kibrakhan said:

This spoiler is pretty awesome and I’m glad I stumbled across this site. What a shame Orghotts isn’t better as I too have a soft spot for the old Half-Blood. 

How does taking things like a Chaos Warshrine work with this book? Is it still considered part of the Maggotkin or is it an ally?

You can take anything with the keyword NURGLE as part of this army. So a Nurgle marked Warshrine would be a regular addition and would benefit from everything. Anything not marked Nurgle would be an ally, like my poor Varanguard! 

Glad to see there’s another Orghotts fan out there!

2 hours ago, Malin said:

Think this one is illegal, you lack one battleline unit for 2K ;)

Neither Drones, Nurglings nor Beasts fulfill this role

You are indeed correct, good spot. I can’t notice a quick fix, so I’ve noted the list as illegal. Doesn’t matter as it’s just there to show the number of things you can take in a list. 

I like your list a lot btw. Very good. Piratekings ftw!!

11 minutes ago, Vomikron Noxis said:

That’s three drops man.

Btw thanks again @Chris Tomlin for doing these! Could you answer another little question: did the Rotbringer Sorcerer definitely not go up in points? He was 100 before and I’ve seen conflicting reports on whether he went up or not...

You’re welcome. The Sorcerer in this book is priced the same as the Rotbringers Sorcerer in the GH2017. 

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1 hour ago, Vomikron Noxis said:

That’s three drops man.

Btw thanks again @Chris Tomlin for doing these! Could you answer another little question: did the Rotbringer Sorcerer definitely not go up in points? He was 100 before and I’ve seen conflicting reports on whether he went up or not...

This is one drop ;)

Tallyband deploys on the table in one drop, as normal. Blightkings together with Gutrot Spume are deployed together at the end of first movement phase thanks to new Gutrot's rule.


@Chris Tomlin

Think your initial list is 2020 or 2040 based on herald selection, dropping  one unit of drones and taking unit of 10 Bearers should do the trick here.

Varanguard - there should be a petition to change their scroll so that we can mark them prior to battle and with Archaon around you could change mark to one of your choosing in hero phase. Currently they are such a lovely models and so unplayable, "untakeable", "unbuyable" only for fulfilling modeller's dreams area of the hobby. Unfortunately. One change in their scroll and "Your shopping cart got updated" would be in mode on.

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30 minutes ago, Malin said:

This is one drop ;)

Tallyband deploys on the table in one drop, as normal. Blightkings together with Gutrot Spume are deployed together at the end of first movement phase thanks to new Gutrot's rule.

If it is worded like Fyreslayer Runesmiters, then it is deployed as a drop off table during deployment.  That would make this list a 2 drop list.

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