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Matched Play traits


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Tonight we rolled for artefacts and command traits in our first game with GHB. I ended up with the GA battle traits we all get, and being able reroll battleshocks within 12" of ANY hero was great the few times I remembered it. My rolled command trait was to have my Runefather inspiring presence two units , it was killer:)  I rolled the potion for one of my Grimwrath Berzerkers to begin any combat phase by going first. His ghoul king on zombie dragon pressed first into the terrain but before he could cut down my vulkites my Grimwrath downed this and came to whoop that king in his own combat phase. Sadly, any version of the game, the dice still leave my hand in comedic tragedy:$

In short: cool stuff to try, and lots of it. But I want to devour that narrative section!

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I still haven't seen the GH but I am fairly excited about everything that is coming through at the moment. The traits, like the rules for the different realms sounds like a great fun way to boost the enjoyment in games. 


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If im reading the command abilities right we don't actually have to roll for them so il always be taking the double command ability one on my dragon lord. Combined with the phoenix gem or the relic which gives one of your weapons attacks +1 damage i can see her either being really tough to kill or doing annoyingly good amounts of damage 

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You decide to roll or pick. I can see events possibly rolling. Fun time to pick. So as our first foray into the GHB we opted to pick to get some experience. Prob do that a few more games then try picking, just like AoS release--test, test, test! :) 

As cool as some options look I absolutely see a swell balance when every army follows the same limitations. I know we'll experiment with sideboards some and see how that goes. 

..but dat Narrative Play, warbands and "leveling up-style" advancement.... Oh, the Fyreslayers warband...

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