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Stormcast Eternals - Hallowed Knights


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I have set about painting up a force of Stormcast Eternals Hallowed Knights.  So far I have painted 2x the starter box and willl be adding some more troops soon.  I'd love to get some reactions and feedback to the force as it evolves and grows.  Thank you for looking and commenting.

Celestant on Dracoth and Lord Relictor:





Thank you for looking!

-Pez5767 (aka: Jody)

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Really impressive. You've chosen a good paint scheme and executed it very, very well.

I'm a big fan of your bases - would you mind sharing how you made them / where you bought them? Could you run through the basing paint scheme too please - it's very simple and effective.


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On 6/25/2016 at 0:12 PM, graemelyon said:

These are stunning. Probably the best Hallowed Knights I've seen. My one tiny criticism would be that the skin colour on the Dracoth is too similar to the armour for my tastes. But that's a matter of personal choice. 

Wow, thank you for the compliment, I'm pretty happy with how they are coming along. Totally fair critique too.  I actually thought the same thing once he was done, but wasn't interested in going back re-painting him.  I have a 2nd one stored away, perhaps one day I'll take another crack at him!

Edited by pez5767
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On 6/25/2016 at 2:04 AM, MyGeekyPersona said:

Really impressive. You've chosen a good paint scheme and executed it very, very well.

I'm a big fan of your bases - would you mind sharing how you made them / where you bought them? Could you run through the basing paint scheme too please - it's very simple and effective.

Thank you, I appreciate the kind response.

As for the bases, I do make them myself, and they are really pretty easy to make.  I actually need to make a few more, to base my next batch of Liberators I'm adding, so I'll do a step by step when I make the next set. Until then, I can give you a run down on how I do them here.

To Build:

  1. Roll out Super Sculpy  (the tan one, it's harder and more chip resistant) to about 1/4"-1/8"
  2. Use a straight edge (steel ruler) and flexible wire to imprint the geometric paterns and arcs on the sheet of soft putty.
  3. Bake @ 290 for 20-25 minutes. Let Cool.
  4. Break off a piece enough to cover the base you're working with and glue in place with CA glue (superglue).
  5. Use pliers, hobby knife, and/or snips to trim up the edges and chip the base to your liking. Also, you might need to re-carve/deepen some of the details from step 2.

To Paint:

  1. Prime liberally with dark grey or black primer. Let Dry.
  2. From directly above (top down 90 degrees) spray with Army Painter Skeleton Bone Colored Primer. Let dry
  3. Spray with Clear Coat. Let dry.
  4. Use airbrush to spray liberally with Minitaire Ghost Tint Brown. Be sure to fill in the cracks, sides, and top designs.
  5. Use a very-lightly damp cloth (paper towel works fine) and wipe away as much of the Ghost Tint as you like. (Same as an oil wash process here)
  6. Optional: Use an airbrush to add some color variety in light bone and dark tan areas.  Less is more here.

I'll try and do a picture tutorial when I make another batch of bases.  Until then, feel free to ask questions!

Thanks for looking and commenting!


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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, SGusky said:

Do yo have a painting tutorial for the stormcasts?

they are truly magnificent 

Wow, thank you for the kind words.  

I'll see what I can do about getting a tutorial together, as I do use quite a few "cheats" I can pass along to share with you.  However, I'm currently invested in BloodBound for the Season of war, so it will be at least a few weeks until I come back around to Sigmar's Finest.

Thanks again, and looking and commenting.

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/16/2016 at 9:30 PM, PessJerk said:

these bases man, awesome. i was looking for something to make for my stormcast and this is perfect. i hope you don't mind if i steal the idea!?!?

Are you kidding? I'm flattered that you think it's worth stealing, though to be honest, I stole the idea from James Wapple and my buddy Brian, so I'm just passing along the knowledge.  Be sure to shoot me a picture of your results!

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