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Customized Chaos!

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I wanted to open this thread up to show off some of my Chaos conversions and hopefully inspire others to share their conversions (no matter the alliance).

I'll start us off with my customized Khorgoraths and AoS Starter Set Blood Warrior w/Goreglave


Love the Khorgorath scroll, hated the stock model, so I made beast in my own image! And the starter box set Blood Warriors didn't have a Goreglave, so I fashioned one (albeit shoddy) with my own ten fingers!

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Cool stuff, I'm a big fan of Chaos...not of Khorne as much though. I also wish the Khorgorath was easier to convert, the basic pose is the same it would be cool to get some variation from it...but gs work is tough if you don't sculpt much.

 I have a mono-Tzeentch army I think I started in 2007 with some conversions, I'll see about taking pics. I wish I could show my 40K Chaos stuff, I have tons of conversions for that! Although most it is using a Fantasy bits and bobs, perhaps I can get away with it...

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