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Free people list building help


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I'm preparing for an upcoming local tournament (my first AoS-tournament and my second warhammer tournament) using the SCGT comp pack, but with legacy scrolls allowed. I would love to get some feedback on my lists. Basically I wan't to use my Free people army, but with some added punch from the Stormcasts.

LIST # 1


Empire General (4) - Stately War Banner

Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Wizard (18)

King Louen Leoncoeur (20)

Knight Vexillor (8) - Pennant of the Stormbringer


Empire State Troops x 30 (12) - Shield & Sword

Empire Crossbowmen x 30 (18)

Paladin Retributors x 10 (20)

WOUNDS: 121 TOTAL POINTS: 100 / 150

King Louen provides battle shock immunity to the state troops, making them good objective grabbers. The crossbowmen, backed by the generals "Hold the line"-ability and the hurricanum, will be firing 60 shots hitting on 2's and wounding on 3's, with one third of the wounds resolved at rend -1. Retributors and Vexillor of course provide a heavy hammer.

LIST # 2


Empire General (4) - Stately War Banner

Celestial Hurricanum With Celestial Wizard (18)

Empire Master Engineer (4) - Pistol

King Louen Leoncoeur (20)

Celestant-Prime (16)


Empire State Troops x 30 (12) - Shield & Sword

Empire Handgunners x 20 (12)

WAR MACHINES Empire Cannon (13)


Very similar to #1 but with the Retributor hammer traded for a Celestant Prime, and the crossbowmen switched to handgunners. Fewer wounds, and fewer non-hero scoring units, but with a cannon.


Any thoughts and comments would be much appreciated. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

List 1. State troops will benefit greatly from being immune to battle shock, and the 'hold the line' ability buffing them nicely. (although this can make them feel  static/defensive) The swordsmen are surprisingly survivable too, if you can get them into some cover, or give them a mystic shield. I have been thinking along the same lines, a unit of retributors to give the army some teeth in close combat. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I would ditch the Stormcast and focus on your Free People synergies. Hold the Line can go on your Empire Cannon, plus Hurricanum buff = 2+/2+ - super powerful shooting right there. Plus the gunners or crossbows. 


I would also recommend some cavalry in here. Even Empire Knights can help your cause. The fast movement and charge buffs should do well for you. It will also let you sit back and shoot more.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/26/2016 at 4:10 AM, Carnelian said:

I can't wait for a Free Peoples models release. Played with them last night and it was really cool to have humans on the table narratively!

I juat learned this recently - didnt look closely enough at the scroll. Major bummer. Plus now I need to take another look at all that math...

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