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150 SCGT Fyreslayers list input


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Real quick, I'm doing a 150/deploy 100(or more) list for BitS next weekend and with Fyreslayers only (available and hey, fluffy, they don't need no stinkin' help!) and I can make, with stretching 136 points with models I have now and by the limits SCGT allows on core troops in the list. Now, likely the key warband will stay the same all 5 games, swapping heroes in and out and maybe in place of hearthguard units. I'm wondering if I should add the second runemaster real fast or if he can wait. So here's my army, all my lil' tricksand tactics involve synergy and sacrificing models. So far... Any thoughts? Thanks!

  • 20 vulkites double axe
  • 20 vulkites double axe
  • 3 x Grimwrath Berzerkers
  • Battlesmith
  • Auric runemaster (Volcano's Call) **ADD 1 more??**
  • 2 x Runesmiter
  • Runepappy on Magmabomb
  • Runelad on Magmabomb (son)
  • 10 Auric Hearthguard
  • 10 Hearthguard Berzerers w/flaming flail (mortal wound 3+)
  • Runeson on foot
  • Runepappy on foot

Will deploy both Magmabombs when I can to just look cool, per the rule of cool.


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Just now, Lord Veshnakar said:

I like the list but I am super bummed that SCGT limits to 2x 20 Vulkites. That seems like an oversight considering how few units the Fyreslayers have.

I very much agree and hope it's fixed. Many thanks to the points committee who what makes that change:)

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Also some mild feedback on the list; Auric Runemasters are great. I don't take 2 myself because I am a fluff bunny and there is only typically one per lodge, but Volcano's call is so great for scenery and objective denial. Maybe drop the Runeson on foot for him if you have another? A second Battlesmith would be great too, he is usually the first model shot down in my games for the save reroll he bestows. Runeson on foot is only a good option if he is your General for that command ability which is good against most everything in AOS. All IMHO.



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Nice list. I specially like the 3xGrimwrath Berserkers, all hail the dwarven living torpedoes! How do you use your Hearthguard Berserkers? I have mine with Broadaxes and find them lacking offensively.

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17 hours ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

Also some mild feedback on the list; Auric Runemasters are great. I don't take 2 myself because I am a fluff bunny and there is only typically one per lodge, but Volcano's call is so great for scenery and objective denial. Maybe drop the Runeson on foot for him if you have another? A second Battlesmith would be great too, he is usually the first model shot down in my games for the save reroll he bestows. Runeson on foot is only a good option if he is your General for that command ability which is good against most everything in AOS. All IMHO.



...actually... I had not even thought about there only being one master per lodge:) Glad you did. Recorded 4 hours of Fyreslayer fluff last night for Garagehammer and we talked a lot of fluff and I guess it does read like one master, as it says a master and his smiter(s). Oh well, I need to buy a second one anyway. Held up because I'm torn: do I spend the extra $20 and get a SE, Slaughter priest and chaos sorcerer I won't likely use for WHQ character pack? The tricks with Volcanos Call are just so useful (despite lame other ability) I want a second one. Added one in this list pp in case I manage to pick up and paint a second before the tournament.

I'm happy to discuss this, actually :)  The son on foot is in case I face Ogres or all 3+wounds army/monster mash. I doubt I'll deploy the son on foot, and maybe even both magambombs, in every game. The Battesmith I use to sacrifice on a  key objective to buff the re-rolls of that unit. I guess it all depends on placement, of course. The dad's command gives re-roll saves of 1, and I am statistically improbable/gypsy-cursed when it comes to dice rolling so sadly I can't use the normal stats and mathhammer:) Go on, ask anyone who has played vs. me, or even next to me. haha 

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13 hours ago, Ansuz said:

Nice list. I specially like the 3xGrimwrath Berserkers, all hail the dwarven living torpedoes! How do you use your Hearthguard Berserkers? I have mine with Broadaxes and find them lacking offensively.

I actually haven't tried broadaxes, even proxy to see if I would want to arm a set with those. I need a few more boxes. I use the flamestrike poleaxe because we have so very few outlets for dealing mortal wounds and I can't miss this chance. A normal human could roll more wounds and achieve 2 dmg but too often my targets make their save (mystical shield or whatnot) and the dmg is wasted. And Seraphon aren't the only thing that ignores our few means od dealing -1 rend:)  How do you find the poleaxes on the table and as models? I love the kit but find the flails catch and models tangle up when I'm not using proper storage:)

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I have ten of each Hearthguard berzerker weapon option, and have found that, against most normal units (4+ save type stuff) they are identical in wound output. Its only when you are facing 2+ saves, warding lanterns, or re-rolls that the mortal wound flails are better. 

Also opponent's have a noticeable tendency to overreact to units that do mortal wounds, so the broadaxes can sneak in and get chopping. 

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28 minutes ago, Veterannoob said:

thanks guys. This is great to get some feedback from others using them. Keep it coming!

You might be onto something with the 2nd Runemaster. Used Volcano's call this evening and bagged a Lord Celestant on Stardrake, a model Fyreslayers would find next to impossible to kill otherwise.


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*rim shot* xD

Yeah, spent like 8 hours this week between shows describing Fyreslayers tactics and this double threat range, board control tactic works better than I expected. It's the psychological deterrent so opponents won't risk heroes or high-wound models. Eventaully some wise up and just risk the 1-wound infantry if need be, or brave and scrurry swiftly across the hot hot hot!  I won't deploy him unless the objectives and terrain line up nicely but it surely is something I want to experiment with.

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