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Rock Lobber base size


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2 minutes ago, Chris Tomlin said:

When I read the topic title and before seeing your post, these were my exact thoughts!!

I think it'd have to be the 120x92 or whatever it is tbh mate.

I've got a bit of an update on this actually. Went for this 105/70 in the end - https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Citadel-105-70-Oval-Bases

Excuse the awful photo and the cat hair, but I reckon this fits nicely? It's the mid-ground between 90/50 and 120/90!


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2 minutes ago, Chris Tomlin said:

@Fungrim - Oh yeh I forget there is a mid size there. So many bases nowadays! Is that the Treelord base size? Looks perfect!

(I think you should've excused the finecast over the poor photo and cat hair...or were you trying to distract our eyes! ;))

It's actually metal! Primed grey :P

If I verbalised my distaste for finecast on here Ben would suspend my account..........

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