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Blades of Khorne, where to start?


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You might be better in the GA: Chaos forum with this.  But to throw my opinion in :)

Ideally you ought to pick exactly what type of Khorne army you're looking for.  Do you prefer a mortal based one or daemonic based one?  As you're looking at the Bloodbound box, I'm going to guess you're thinking mortal initially, in which case the start collecting box is a pretty solid start.  It'll give you a Slaughterpriest, a unit of Blood Warriors (my personal favourite) and a unit of three Skullcrushers which give you a welcome bit of speed to the army.  They're all fantastic models and pretty reasonable in the game.

From there you'll likely want to pick up the set containing Khorgus Khul and a Bloodsecrator.  You can run Khul "as is" or use the Mighty Lord of Khorne warscroll instead (for 60 points less) and both add a huge amount of utility to a new army in the form of an excellent Command Ability and a banner which when planted grants battleshock immunity and buffs the attack profile of everything within 18".

Beyond that you could look at more Blood Warriors or Bloodreavers, or even skip over to some of the Slaves to Darkness models with mark of Khorne, such as marauders, Chaos Warriors and such like.

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Yeah there are so many great ways to start out with Blades of Khorne, feel free to join the let's chat Khorne topic aswell (in the Chaos sub forum)!

A path you could go for still is:
- Obtain Khorne the half of the Age of Sigmar Starter Box 
- Get the Bloodbound Starterbox or the Khorne Daemons Starterbox
- Pick up Gorechosen locally because it's sold out online
- If you can't find the starterbox half pick up the Khorne Lord and Bloodsecrator with whatever you like

Basically as mentioned by @RuneBrush you can pick up what you want and what you think looks cool. Blades of Khorne with the GH2017 update is really completely viable with all kinds of models.

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RuneBrush gave you the rundown, I'll just add my 2 cents:

Buy the Khorne half of the full 2 player Starter set (or buy the 2 player Starter set and sell the Stormcast half). That'll net you  A Mighty Lord, Bloodsecrator and Bloodstoker plus 20 bloodreavers and 5 blood warriors, you also get a Khorgorath... It's a great deal. I'd recommend the Start Collecting as your second buy and recommend buying the Daemons of Khorne Start collecting too.  

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1 minute ago, Trout said:

What about the "Battleforce: Khorne Bloodbound Slaughterstorm" box? I don't actually know if this is a good way to start and would like to hear other opinions, but I recently purchased it and am currently building it.

That's a great start aswell. Since the Skarr cost update he's an excellent 80 point Hero to begin with and all the other contains in that box make up the backbone of Khorne forces. All that isn't included in that box are Bloodletters, which also are a part of this backbone.

Basically any Khorne box that gives you 2+ Heroes and 2+ Blood Warriors/Bloodreavers/Bloodletters is a really good deal. As before almost all choices in Blades of Khorne are excellent with the latest cost update. 

To me there are only a couple of things in contention with each other in Khorne and those are the Bloodcrushers vs Skullcrushers (Skullcrushers are better and cheaper) and the Skullgrinder vs the rest of the Heroes. The Skullgrinder isn't bad the but the rest just offers much more utility with a purpose. 

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