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How many horrors is too much?


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So tonight I played a 1.5k game against blades of khorne. My army was


GK on foot

Haunter courtier - general

cryp ghast courtier

6 horrors

20 ghouls

10 ghouls

3 crypt flayers.

so my GKoTG and crypt flayers went in far too early (turn 2) did some crazy damage but in return they both got wiped.

so I was thinking, at 1.5k is it better to run 2 units of 6 horrors?

my revised list is this. Please pick the bones out of it, in trying to achieve maximum punch.

GK on foot

haunter courtier - general - completely delusional

varghulf courtier - blood river chalice

crypt ghast courtier

6 horrors

6 horrors

20 ghouls

3 crypt flayers 

i think this has a lot of threats. 2 units of 6 horrors can handle themselves, especially with 2 courtiers who can resurrect them and a GK within range to provide rerolls to hit.

was thinking flayers could support my 20 man unit of ghouls, ghast courtier helping to bring back the ghouls. Ghouls could baby sit objectives and flayers road block enemy units approaching until horrors clear up and come to the rescue.

this leaves me at 1,480. I could drop the ghouls to a unit of 10 and fit another GK on foot in.

what are your views?

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I have to update my army for the new points but I found horrors always pulled their weight in my games and as you said, with two character bringing models back they have a habit of staying about. The rerolls to hit from the ghoul king are great, and in my 2k games my ghoul king on Zombie dragon would try cast the reroll wounds spell too. So yeah, from me, horrors get a thumbs up :) 

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5 minutes ago, Dracothjay said:

What's the perfect unit size or horrors? 6? 9? I think I prefer because all 6 can fight in one round, but I understand it's tough to eliminate a unit of 9.

i like flexibility so I chose units of 6. Anyone have a better view or more experienced advice?

I have experimented with both units of 6 and 9.  In the past I almost always found that units of 6 came out better.  With the large base size I found that you almost never get more than 6 into combat.  Those other 3 Horrors essential became now 160 sunken points that don't do much for most of the game.

I will admit that the new GHB2017 changes are making me rethink this a bit.  The fact that we will now don't have access to the +5 Death Ruler of the Night save makes them a little less tanky, (so maybe now you need more to survive getting across the board verses shooting heavy armies). Will have to test this out a bit. 


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I always use unit of 6, because I don't have more of them, but I agree that with GHB2017 they are less tanky.
But you can always give them the 5+ ward save with a AGKoTG... Or simply use ghouls for tanking and horrors for dealing with hordes (which I think they do very well), in which case I'd keep six sized unit.

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I would agree with units of six. You don't want units of three, because they can get totally destroyed easier, and while you can bring horrors back, once the unit pops totally, your out of luck. Then nine, I think is to large a unit to bring to combat, at a 1" range, you'll never get them all in

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