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Orange nurgle


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Afternoon all

Just picked up blightwar and I am wanting to go a little of the beaten path with the nurgle. I did some test on the nurglings with white spray then a wash, tried druchi violet, camoshade and biel tan green. But being as I want to get off the beaten track so to speak I was thinking about fuegan Orange over white. 

I have not got any orange at the mo so would need to pick some up. But what do you think would orange work as main colour or does anyone have any picks of fuegan Orange over white?


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Orange should work fine :) I would try using other washes to build up colour, maybe green or red in the recesses and underbelly etc. I am personally planning on running grey with orange (rust metals). Green and purple/pink/red will work very well with your scheme so I would do your pustules a lurid green, like a nice rotting flesh esque colour, and your wounds red still.

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