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Using a Mantic Mega army?


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Hey all!


So I have been thinking of starting a Death army but have been kind of pushed away once I realized how much it would cost to have a fairly effective force. However I recently stumbled across Mantic's Undead mega army which really looks like a great value. Here's the link to the box: http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/kings-of-war/undead/product/undead-mega-army.html

The only thing that doesn't seem like it would fit are the werewolves, everything else looks like it would fit perfectly. I was thinking this along with the GW start collecting skeleton hordes and I would have a great army.

Can anyone think of any reason this wouldn't work out? I don't actually have any GW stores in my state (Montana) so I don't need to worry about playing with non-gw models.


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Normally I tend to me firmly in the "stick with GW models because they are way better" camp, but in this case I mostly want the zombies and skeleton, and let's be honest the current GW versions of those models aren't exactly amazing.

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Agreed, I find that Mantic's Zombies, Ghouls, Skeletons and Enforcer Scouts are nice models. I don't really care for anything else they have to offer, with exception to the upcoming Walking Dead stuff.

If you are going to do anything Mantic, start Undead :)

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Alright went and ordered it! Guess I'm going to be a Death player! Next will be the start collecting box and a Nagash down the road.

Oh if it helps anyone here's the ebay listing I picked up: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mantic-Kings-of-War-Undead-Mega-Army-140-Miniatures-/331793517347

Freaking great deal at $99 for the box considering MSRP is 99 POUNDS. I have ordered lots of stuff from this seller in the past and they have always been great.

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14 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

Mantic models are kinda polarizing.  You'll have advisors telling you to stay away because they are terrible, and you'll have people telling you to go right ahead because they are fine (ie. me).

Go ahead, they're fine.


I like the retro feel mantic have on their models. 

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