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Reformed Chaos/Devoted of Sigmar

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Wanted to add devoted to my Penumbral Purifiers (Stormcast) and thinking of the stories of human remnant at various stages of chaos taint, and Torglugs change in fate, I really wanted to highlight a band of humans who have been purified from chaos (mostly).

The purifiers, led by Leadus PureSoul, struck into Ghyran and after crushing the chaos forces there, won the souls of many mortals for Sigmar. These mortals believe that if they fight for Sigmar, and die, he will reforge them, and since some say Sigmar may have once been a man, maybe they could become gods! This theology is encouraged in great part due to their warpriest...who hears voices... (better write up later)

so I'm using marauders, who have stripped off the chaos symbols, adorn themselves with symbols of Sigmar, and fashion themselves after their saviors. A warpriest converted from a dark angel librarian. And a ramshackle war altar pulled by marauder horses. 







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I like the draft of the back story for your force - that should provide plenty of good modelling inspiration.

I'm loving your war alter in particular, a good kit bash, and a very nice paint job.

I think that your marauders could do with a few more stormcast / Sigmar inspired parts. The minis are really a blank canvas with the chaos iconography removed. Have you thought about adding the odd stormcast shoulder pad, or parchment / purity seal type decoration? Perhaps some liberator hammers / swords on their belts, or on the end of their flails!

I'll be watching this with interest.


P.S. I recently discovered your podcast - excellent content, and a well-structured show.

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Thanks for digging the theme! The marauder models are ******, but they are going to serve this purpose well. I do have more bits and purity seals from the Hurricanum that could boost the sigmar level on these guys. I also want to explore tattoos, and even tatoo removal. So can I paint an area on the skin where a chaos star has been removed, and a sigmar comet has been added. Dunno...gonna try...

Thanks for listening to the show @MyGeekyPersona and really glad it's a positive addition to your hobby.

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