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Gore-Gruntas or Boar boys or Grot wolf riders?


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Im trying to decide which cav unit I want, I dont particularly love the new Gore-Gruntas but they are pretty hard hitting.  I love the Boarboys but dont know how great they are going to be and the wolf riders are going to take a lot of converting and Im not convinced that are all they great either.  Anyone have any suggestions? 



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I think the wolf riders serve a bit of a different purpose than the other two, anyway - they're not going to get caught up tanking or fighting bigger, hard to kill units - whereas that's exactly what you want either Orruk units doing. The wolfy boys are going after the war machines, or mages, or synergy-causing characters.

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This is an interesting conversation, and one I've been thinking about. I have several questions regarding Gruntaz, Boar Boyz and Savage Boar Boyz: 

What's the comparative resilience?

-Gruntaz have a 4+ save and 5 wounds and 7 Bravery

-Boar Boyz have a 5+ save and reroll failed saves in combat. They can also take Glyph (+2 Bravery =7 in combat)

-Savage Boar Boyz have a 6+ save, and get a 'Ward' save on a 6 for any damage that goes through and an Icon (+2 Bravery =7 in combat)


How much damage do they do on average? Let's assume they all have Choppas

-Gruntaz 3 A 3+ to hit 3+ to wound -1 R 1 D, Maw and Hooves 4 A 4+ to hit 4+ to wound 0 R 1 D (d3 on a charge from over 8" away)

-Boar Boyz 1 A 4+ to hit 4+ to wound -1 R 1 D, Tusks 2 A 4+ to hit 4+ to wound 0 R 1 D (reroll to wound on charge)

-Savage Boar Boys 1 A 4+ to hit 4+ to wound -1 R 1 D, Tusks 2 A 4+ to hit 4+ to wound 0 R 1 D (reroll to wound on charge)


The other consideration: Cost. Gruntaz cost the most, so let's see how the others do at a comparative price point

3 Gruntaz for $80

15 Boar Boyz for $75

15 Savage Boar Boyz for $75


Now the next thing to consider is, what is their job going to be? Synergy is also a consideration, but given these will be chosen for speed that may be a moot point.


The final, and most important, consideration: When all the numbers are run, and if they are close...who wins the rule of cool?

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In fairness, they all look great :D I have 5 savage boars that need painting and really like the non-savage ones too. Seems like all the boar boys serve the same purpose, will need to see the point costs when they release compared to gore gruntas.

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I ran a unit of 5 Boar Boyz in my game last night and they proved to be surprisingly durable with the re-rollable saves.  This unit had spears but will try one with Choppas next time.  Definitely need more of them!  A mobile Greenskinz army would be fun to run IMO.

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I haven't played a lot of AoS, I'm not going to allude otherwise. However...from what I've read, Rend is king of the game hence Choppas would presumably be the weapon of choice.

I also rolled some dice at random. It seems crazy...but Gruntaz seem to come out on top. They just hit better, despite the numbers the other units have. I'm not saying it's math, it's just a crazy person rolling dice in a vacuum. I actually like the Boar Boys more aesthetically...and to make things even sillier, Savage Boar Boyz would fit into my army theme better!

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I've used savage boar boys on two occasions and found them to be really resistant to damage. They didn't do much, but they were an effective way to slow down the advance of my khorne bloodbound opponent, allowing slower elements like the black orcs to get into advantageous positions. Haven't used the other two.

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