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Michigan GT AoS Primer - Sept 17th (Wixom, Michigan)


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Michigan GT Age of Sigmar Primer Event (1 Day Tournament)

Imperium Games (28990 South Wixom Road, Wixom, Michigan 48393)

Hosted By The Michigan GT

Imperium Games will be using the Matched Play: Pitched Battles rules in the General’s Handbook, including army composition, triumphs, and unit costs.

The total Army size will be 2000 points chosen from a single Grand Alliance.

Battleplans will come from the Generals Handbook with custom secondary objectives for players to score during their games.

We will be using Major Victory/Minor Victory system as described in the General’s Handbook to determine the winner of each game. Each Battle Plan outlines the rules for determining the winner for each game. If a player wins a Major Victory, their opponent scores a Major Loss. If a player wins a Minor Victory, their opponent receives a Minor Loss. A draw can only happen if players are tied on the major objective, secondary objective, and kill points.

More information can be found in the Facebook event located here.

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