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FEC List post GHB2017


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Hey Guys,

i played FEC before GHB2017 and i am still interested in playing FEC. I am pretty sad to the Point changes to Horros, Ghoul King (on foot) and the GKoZD.

That changes made my List 140 Points more expensive.  So i decided to switch Horrors for Flayers.

The Idea is to get flexible with your delusion with the Generaltrait. You can pick the Guardian one for the first Round to protect your Units. Switch in the second Round to the great tournament or to a question of honor.

Artifacts to heal your GKoTG and the even more fun artifact on one of your Courtiers ist to debuff the Bravery by 2 within 6''. So your GKoTG and your Flayers will hit harder with their Range attacks.

I know, there are just 22 Models in only 7 Units, but i loved Deadwatch before. It is absolutly awesome to wreck your enemy units in your Herophase.

What do you think?


Allegiance: FEC; delusion: Guardian of the Crown

Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)
- Artifact: Blood River Chalice
Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
- General
- Generaltrait: completely delusional

Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
- In Deadwatch Battalion
Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
- Artifact: Grim Collar

6 x Crypt Flayers (320)
6 x Crypt Flayers (320)
6 x Crypt Flayers (320)

Deadwatch (210)

Total: 1990/2000

i did it with the warscroll builder and edited by my self.

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An excellent list and one I very much am thinking of building myself! 

The only difference I would make is to take Dark Wizardry on the general and take The Grand Tournament delusion. 

Granted, if you don't know what you would be facing, Completely Delusional is a strong pick!

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Im thinking of going for the below

Crusading Army

Completely Delusional
Blood River Chalice

The Flayed Pennant

crypt ghast courtier
The Grim Garland

crypt ghouls x30
crypt ghouls x10
crypt ghouls x10


royal menagerie
ghoul patrol



This would quite often allow me to have some turn one charges with the two ghoul kings, the terrorgeist and the block of 30 ghouls with two blocks of 10 ghouls for objective nabbing/bubble wrapping the cryptghast courtier.

would like some opinions on the above not bought the models yet but I will probably get 3-4 start collecting boxes to give me options.

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On 8/28/2017 at 2:35 AM, Bademeister said:

Hey Guys,

i played FEC before GHB2017 and i am still interested in playing FEC. I am pretty sad to the Point changes to Horros, Ghoul King (on foot) and the GKoZD.

That changes made my List 140 Points more expensive.  So i decided to switch Horrors for Flayers.

The Idea is to get flexible with your delusion with the Generaltrait. You can pick the Guardian one for the first Round to protect your Units. Switch in the second Round to the great tournament or to a question of honor.

Artifacts to heal your GKoTG and the even more fun artifact on one of your Courtiers ist to debuff the Bravery by 2 within 6''. So your GKoTG and your Flayers will hit harder with their Range attacks.

I know, there are just 22 Models in only 7 Units, but i loved Deadwatch before. It is absolutly awesome to wreck your enemy units in your Herophase.

What do you think?


Allegiance: FEC; delusion: Guardian of the Crown

Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)
- Artifact: Blood River Chalice
Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
- General
- Generaltrait: completely delusional

Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
- In Deadwatch Battalion
Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
- Artifact: Grim Collar

6 x Crypt Flayers (320)
6 x Crypt Flayers (320)
6 x Crypt Flayers (320)

Deadwatch (210)

Total: 1990/2000

i did it with the warscroll builder and edited by my self.

I was thinking of something similar, except I swapped out a courtier for a ghoul king on foot for it's spell, and another for a Varghulf .... just cause I have to bring fluffy.  I would also put the garland on the terrorghiest for the largest footprint for the leadership debuff.

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