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Starting a Death army


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Hey guys, new one on the forum.

Been collecting WFB since I was 8 (17 years) but with a huge break since the end of middle school when I switched to 40k and eventually dropped the hobby altogether in favour of historicals. Never been much of a gamer, since WFB rules always seemed way too clunky and every game I ever tried eventually stalled and became too boring to continue. However, I tried a bit of AoS and it's great - simple yet not simplistic, the rules are quite elegant in their design.

So, me and my flatmate are looking to start and I was thinking Death would be cool as I never played undead in any sort of game before. I was looking to get some info about what's the best way to start a Death army. Flesh-Eater Courts aren't really my cup of tea, so either one of Soulblight, Malignant or Death Rattle Allegiances would work. Initially, I was gonna either get the Malignant or the Death Rattle Start Collecting boxes but there seems to be more options now.

I should point out that I'm not planning on winning tournaments, so min-maxing does not interest me as much. Unless I can min-max with awesome models :D

Thanks guys!

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As of the new General's Handbook, some stuff has changed. Deathrattle do not have Allegiance abilities yet, and as for Nighthaunts (the start collecting Malignants set), for some reason the Mortis Engine cannot be allies with Nighthaunt. So if you want to play these, you'll have to go with a grand alliance: Death army - or - for the Malignants, building the Coven Throne instead of Mortis Engine, since that one can Ally with Malignant.

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I'd buy the new boxes of DeathRattle Barrow Lords and Nighthaunt Tormented Spirits then a Start Collecting box of both Malignants and Skeleton Horde.  You end up just short of 2000 points at a discount, it's a pretty good army and you could fill out the rest of the points with what you like most, maybe a couple of Morghasts. 

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