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Khorne Mortals - Where to next?


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Hey guys,

Pretty new to the game, trying to build my Khorne army up to 2000 points and I'm looking for some advice from more experienced players about what to add next.

Currently I own:

1x Mighty Lord

1x Blood Secrator

1x Bloodstoker

1x Aspiring Deathbringer

2x Slaughtpriests

1x Khorgorath

40x Bloodreavers

15x Bloodwarriors

This totals around 1300 points, I was wondering how to best fill out the remaining 700.  Some of the options I was considering are below:

a)  The Khorne skirmish box (5x wrathmongers/skullreapers, exalted deathbringer) [I also heard it's quite easy to put the Wrathmonger torso's onto bloodwarrior legs to get both units for the price of one?)

b)  SC! Khorne Bloodbound

c)  Chaos Knights/Chariots to add some speed to the list (chaos knights with extra attacks from Khorne buffs seem like they'd be nasty on the charge)

I'd prefer to avoid Bloodletters, as I'm not really keen on the models - which is a bit of a bummer because almost all of the strong lists I see are built around them.

Cheers guys and thanks!

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Reapers were definitely a go to unit for me at 140 points but their new 180 point price makes them a bit expensive. Tbh they will still make my list. Im looking at running a bigger unit of khorgaraths from now on since they dropped the points and kept the damage at 2.

If you are feeling flush then skaarac is a lot of fun to play with and paint. Expensive in every sense of the word tho :)

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Reapers are still solid (they were very cheap at 140pts) and you kinda need their mortal wound output. An eBay Khorgie would be gold. They are excellent for 80pts. A Jugger Lord is a good investment regardless of whether you jump on the Skullcrusher train. I really like Chaos Knights at 160, and movement 10 is great for us.

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What you need to decide is what battalion(s) you plan on running (if any, but I'd certainly recommend running at least one).  Then decide how competitive you want that list to be against the meta (which at this moment is very much up in the air).  Also any general themes or models you particularly enjoy can help us give you more direction.

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