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2000 Points Blades of Khorne 2017


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New edition WiP Blades of Khorne force open for critique



 Bloodstoker 80

Role:Leader Quantity: 1

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage 260

Role:Leader, Behemoth Quantity: 1

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage 260

Role:Leader, Behemoth Quantity: 1

Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster  330

Role:Leader, Behemoth Quantity: 1


Bloodletters 270

Quantity: 30
Upgrade: Bloodhunter x1 Upgrade: Hornblower x1 Upgrade: Icon Bearer x1

Bloodletters 270

Quantity: 30
Upgrade: Bloodhunter x1 Upgrade: Hornblower x1 Upgrade: Icon Bearer x1

BloodReavers 140

Quantity: 20
Upgrade: Chieftain x1 Upgrade: Hornblower x1 Upgrade: Icon Bearer x1 Weapon: Meatripper Axes

Mighty Skullcrushers 280

Quantity: 6
Upgrade: Hornblower x1 Upgrade: Skullhunter x1 Upgrade: Standard Bearer x1 Weapon: Bloodglaives

Council of Blood 110



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Without the inclusion of a Bloodsecrator or totem of any kind really I feel like the Bloodreavers are just a point unit here.  Sure they have a footprint and can cap objectives, but it seems a waste of their specific warscroll.  Skullcrushers are solid and fairly tanky, but again in this force I'm not entirely sure what their purpose would be?  You're looking at 6 drops with this list too, which is a tad high imo for a khorne army where we still have plenty of viable battalions for minimizing drops and controlling the first turn.  Murderhost is just screaming to be added to this list in order to seal the deal on the daemons and give you rapid movement at the start of the game, whipped to fury, and running and charging and have only two drops if needed.

This all depends what you're going for of course - theme, flavor, creativity, how competitive you're aiming to be etc.

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The reavers are potentially being split into two smaller units to deliver small threats and if destroyed rack up blood tithe points, the skull crushers provide some speed and mobility and fill a void between monster and infantry in terms of resilience and pace to stop the force getting too strung out, additionally at their new points cost provide more than their Daemon equivalents in role. The Secrator as general allows me to keep the crushers immune to battle shock with inspiration whilst using the blood thristers combined abilities and his whip to launch a bloodthrister up the field into combat turn one. 


Whilst 6 drops this isn't a tournament list and aside from the flavour of council of blood I find the new battalion costs far too prohibitive to take them (murder host would cost me 20 reavers for example). I'm quite attached to the main part of the list and tried to free up points for the secrator but found if wasn't possible without losing the mortal components that actually wanted the secrator.

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8 minutes ago, Tizianolol said:

I appreciate it! I consodered that in a list posted in this forum ! Why 2 insensate rage? Anyway i think 2x10 bloodwarriors can hold points better then 20 reavers or 30 letters! But I like that I think play style is similar to mine:)

Honestly the choice of blood thirsters came down to liking the big axe and having a conversion lined up for the third so it's essentially what I have built and find the most aesthetically appealing

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At 260 the two cheaper blood thirsters seem like a steal now.


for this list I had considered changing the Stoker and 20 reavers for a Secrator and 10 Reavers but that drops my body count significantly and diminishes the mortal part of the force

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wrath of Khorne bloodthirster 330

Bloodthirster of ins rage 260

bloodthirster of un fury 260

council of blood 110

bloostoker 80

bloodsecrator 120

30 bloodletters 270

2x10 bloodwarriors 400

demon Prince / 2 korgorath 160

tot 1990 

thats my list if you wanna check:)

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The mix of all three thirsters does give you the best variety and I do like the warscroll on the Khorgoraths but just can't get behind the model for it (let alone duplicates of if). I get why you like the blood warriors in terms of a nice resilient battleline but the low body count is always a concern for me (having been playing Stormcast for so long)


One thing I haven't seen too often but am quite fond of is the Marauder Horsemen, they are a cheap harassment unit with some shooting which Khorne sorely lacks but I don't see them feature in many lists 

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My idea is command ability on letters ( run and charge and pile 6) + stoker and secrator buff on them.. Warriors for hold points . 3 big hero got mobility for grab points with letters.. 

About horseman i havnt test them.. They can be nice idea add shooting. My doubt was about korgo or dp! But 2 of 1 khorgo maybe Is better!

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I agree the Khorgoraths are a solid choice as a midrange monster that's suitably tanky. I've scoured various models to see what I could use to convert counts as Khorgoraths since hating the model but have come up with nothing. Otherwise I'd likely tweak my list to fit a couple of units of them in.

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Possible variation



 Blood Secrator 120

Role:Leader Quantity: 1 

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage 260

Role:Leader, Behemoth Quantity: 1 

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage 260

Role:Leader, Behemoth Quantity: 1 

Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster  330

Role:Leader, Behemoth Quantity: 1 


Bloodletters 270

Quantity: 30
Upgrade: Bloodhunter x1 Upgrade: Hornblower x1 Upgrade: Icon Bearer x1 

Bloodletters 270

Quantity: 30
Upgrade: Bloodhunter x1 Upgrade: Hornblower x1 Upgrade: Icon Bearer x1 

Blood Warriors 200

Quantity: 10


Slaughterbrute of Khorne 180

Council of Blood 110


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I like the inclusion of the Slaughterbrute, simply because you don't see enough of those on the table.  The concern would be keeping enough Bloodwarriors on the table to capture objectives, though you do have Bloodletters to spare for that purpose as needed.

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