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Not a lazy "Make a Stormcast list for me" thread


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It is no more!

Main thread is crowded with lists so I thought it would be better to move my own there.

I will have to buy and replace quite a few models to build any of these lists, so I would like to know first which one is better and if they are at least decent :) (compared to an old Kights Excelsior list, for example). The Dracoths will be magnetized so the concrete set-up of the units won't be a problem.


Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)
Lord-Aquilor (200)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Judicators (160)

2 x Fulminators (240)
2 x Tempestors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Palladors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)

Total: 1980/2000
Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Aquilor (200)
Drakesworn Templar (500)

5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Judicators (160)

2 x Tempestors (220)
2 x Concussors (280) (to take advantage of Drakesworn's buff)
3 x Vanguard-Palladors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (160)
3 x Aetherwings (60)

Total: 2000/2000

Units I really want there:

Drakesworn Templar/Lord Celestant on Stardrake

Dracoths (they seem to be all the rage lately)

Vanguard Palladors (their models are awesome and their mobility could be pretty fun)

Lord Aquillor

At least 1 unit of Vanguard Raptors (with either weapon)


Units that I have, in case they would improve the list:

Knight Venator

Knight Heraldor

Lord Relictor

Lord Castellant

1 unit of Protectors

1 unit of Retributors

1 unit of Decimators

1 unit of 3 Javelin Prosecutors

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I think you've given a wide-ranging topic with no constraints... what kind of playstyle do you prefer? Are you hoping to smash opponents or are you buidling an army that "looks cool"? Do you want to focus on ranged combat or tanky beatsticks?

One advantage of Stormcast is that you can pretty much fill any role (except Wizard) within the faction -- and now the Allies system in GHB 2017 fixes even that. One downfall of Stormcast, which you're facing right now, is the inability to choose. 

My personal recommendation -- and I'm not a tournament player -- is to identify which unit(s) you consider "must have" inclusions. So if you really want the Drakesworn Templar and some Palladors (you mention liking the mobility), then focus on what adds more high-mobility units. Dracoth riders, Lord-Relictor (with the Lightning Chariot prayer), Vanguard Hunters, and the Lord-Aquilor would be worthy inclusions. Build around your chosen core to accentuate what you like best about the army.

Of course, if you're looking for the best way to maximize "value" for matched play you'll have to wait for the community to iron out the new points and their effect. Although if you already have most of the units you listed, you can do a bit of trial and error yourself to figure out what works best for you.

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I'd take 2K points of models you like best  and play them. Preferably keeping battleline and hero restrictions for matched play in mind so you can use it in matched play. If you REALLY want to go all in I'd try to take the most efficient units you can get.

That is the best advice I can give you.

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Thanks for the advice. I expected something a bit more concrete, like: 3 Longstrikes will achieve nothing, you need more! Or: three units of Paladins are usually a waste of points. Or even: I have a very similar list with these units and it works, look it up.

I want an effective competitive force but not necessarily fully optimized.

My most concrete worries are:

Drakesworn + Aquilor: too many points? Is it wise to invest in more characters?

3 Longstrikes + 3 Hurricanes? Or 6 Longstrikes?

How many Paladins have a place un such a list? 

Is Palladors + Fulminators+ Prosecutors too much "cavalry"?

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7 hours ago, Aezeal said:

Ow that is what you want ...  you lazy....

I don't play stormcast so can't help you :D

Come on man, you gave me a "take what you want and have fun". And I was asking for help with concrete units. It wasn't certainly what I needed :P

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Ok, I posted this one in the other thread, following the advice from @rokapoke 
It got a bit of a harsh reception, maybe because there was a lack of context and background (unlike here).
Any opinions? (Or advice taking into account the units I said above I have or I'm willing to buy)
Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Aquilor (200)
- General
Drakesworn Templar (500)
- Arc Hammer
Lord-Relictor (80)

5 x Liberators (100)
- Warhammer & Shield
- 1x Grandhammers
5 x Liberators (100)
- Warblade & Shield
- 1x Grandblades
5 x Vanguard-Hunters (140)
- Stormcast Eternals Battleline (Lord Aquilor General)

3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)
3 x Aetherwings (60)
2 x Tempestors (220)
5 x Paladin Protectors (200)
- 2x Starsoul Maces
3 x Vanguard-Palladors (220)

Total: 2000/2000
Artifacts, Traits and Prayers are left open on purpose to decide on them later.
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2 hours ago, SentinelGuy said:

Boltstorm crossbow judicators might now be worth it :o

I hope so! They were my choice when building them and people have been telling me since them I should have gone with bows.

Hurricane Raptors are also brutal against hordes, but much less durable for the points.

56 minutes ago, Phil A said:

Hammerstrike and Decimators

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Decimators have crazy potential against hordes, but Hammerstrike is so expensive...

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Ok, I have edited the original post with two alternative lists I would like to build. I will have to buy and replace quite a few models, so I would like to know first which one is better and if they are at least decent :) the Dracoths will be magnetized so the concrete set-up of the units won't be a problem.

Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)
Lord-Aquilor (200)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Judicators (160)

2 x Fulminators (240)
2 x Tempestors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Palladors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)

Total: 1980/2000
Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Aquilor (200)
Drakesworn Templar (500)

5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Judicators (160)

2 x Tempestors (220)
2 x Concussors (280) (to take advantage of Drakesworn's buff)
3 x Vanguard-Palladors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (160)
3 x Aetherwings (60)

Total: 2000/2000
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23 minutes ago, DanielFM said:

Ok, I have edited the original post with two alternative lists I would like to build. I will have to buy and replace quite a few models, so I would like to know first which one is better and if they are at least decent :) the Dracoths will be magnetized so the concrete set-up of the units won't be a problem.

Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)
Lord-Aquilor (200)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Judicators (160)

2 x Fulminators (240)
2 x Tempestors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Palladors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)

Total: 1980/2000
Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Aquilor (200)
Drakesworn Templar (500)

5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Liberators (100)
5 x Judicators (160)

2 x Tempestors (220)
2 x Concussors (280) (to take advantage of Drakesworn's buff)
3 x Vanguard-Palladors (220)
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (160)
3 x Aetherwings (60)

Total: 2000/2000

I like this list. Interesting to buff the concussors in anticipation of upcomming hordes. Remember that the stardrakes already have an inbuilt horde killer tool.( not the best one but hey.)

I usually run with the lord celestant on stardrake when using multiple dracothian guard. His shield is so powerfull when buffed with staunch defender and warding lantern. 

With the command ability The dracoths d6 damage becomes somewhat more reliable and helps against chaff. 

I can see why you like the vanguard mobility. But i feel like 1-2 relictors with lightning chariot does the same thing. They will also help you keep your things alive. Healing dracothian guard is so much value.because of their incredible save and low wound count.

It just seems to me that you spend alot of points for a lot of mobility with mediocre stats.

The msu vanguard units wont accomplish much. Teleporting 3 raptors or 3 palladors wont make a huge impact. 

Dracothian guard needs some defensive buffs to be more reliable or they will wittle away quickly. With a wardin lantern or mystic shield / staunch defender they should be able to take on most horde units. ( granted they have no rend) with that 2+ rerollable they tank a lot.



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22 minutes ago, Thor said:

I like this list. Interesting to buff the concussors in anticipation of upcomming hordes. Remember that the stardrakes already have an inbuilt horde killer tool.( not the best one but hey.)

I usually run with the lord celestant on stardrake when using multiple dracothian guard. His shield is so powerfull when buffed with staunch defender and warding lantern. 

With the command ability The dracoths d6 damage becomes somewhat more reliable and helps against chaff. 

I can see why you like the vanguard mobility. But i feel like 1-2 relictors with lightning chariot does the same thing. They will also help you keep your things alive. Healing dracothian guard is so much value.because of their incredible save and low wound count.

It just seems to me that you spend alot of points for a lot of mobility with mediocre stats.

The msu vanguard units wont accomplish much. Teleporting 3 raptors or 3 palladors wont make a huge impact. 

Dracothian guard needs some defensive buffs to be more reliable or they will wittle away quickly. With a wardin lantern or mystic shield / staunch defender they should be able to take on most horde units. ( granted they have no rend) with that 2+ rerollable they tank a lot.



Well, it's both the mobility they bring and that I love their models :D to be fair, I will want the teleport command ability so the Lord Aquillor will be the general most of the time, so the LCoSD command ability wouldn't see much play.

If I give Staunch Defender to the Lord Aquillor he has the mobility to help anyone benefit from the bubble, but it also ties him a lot. Hmmm.. I guess that's part of the tactical decisions!

I can see your concerns about MSU vanguard not doing a lot, but plucking some key wounds exactly where you need them could win games. I expect to use them as surgical tools that may or may not perform every game ;)

About the buffs, I could really get the points for a Relictor/Castellant in the second list, by sacrificing the Aetherwings (expendable) plus 20/40 points more.. that would be downgrading the Judicators to Vanguard Hunters or the Concussors to Fulminators. The buffs are very valuable to make the Dracoths tanky, but the infantry characters would be kind of isolated and the range is not that long. I don't know if it would be worth it (or maybe is just that I need to know the tactics to use them together).

Thanks for the input Thor!

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