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Fun Tzeentch army for Batrep


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I'm generally pretty happy with the list, so any general advice/tips on playing it would be appreciated. Going to be filming a batrep next Tuesday, and I'm not sure what army I'll play against. It'll be a matched play battle plan from GH17.

Allegiance Tzeentch


- Treacherous Bond (or Infusion Arcanum)

Tzaangor Shaman - General

- Aura of Mutability

- Arch Sorcerer

- Fold Reality

- Treacherous Bond

- Bolt of Change

x5 Warriors of Chaos, MoT, Sword and Shield

x5 Warriors of Chaos, MoT, Sword and Shield

x20 Warriors of Chaos, MoT, Halberd and Shield

x3 Skyfires

x3 Skyfires

x3 Skyfires

2000 points from GH17


Some basic ideas:

Skyfires and Shaman jumped up in price (160 points for those 10 models in total), but I think they'll still add a good dynamic to my army. If I outrange my opponent I can play some hit and run and try to force favorable engagements, otherwise the tried and true sniping of characters and opportune charges. Treacherous bond can keep the shaman alive but it's a bit of a waste to be taking saves with his crappy 5+ and then pass it on to the more tanky warriors. Having 30 brimstone models would be really wonderful here but I just don't own the models. Fold Reality can be a good gamble if the Skyfires get down to 1 model or so.

If I get 2x 6s on destiny dice, and I see a big bad model out there, I'll see if I can sneak a Slayer of Kings double six from Archaon on the model for an instant slaying. Otherwise I can make Archaon extra tanky with Treacherous bond or extra killy with Infusium.

If I had the models I'd probably drop down some warriors and add in like 30-60 brimstone horrors or blue horrors, but I need to play with what I own.


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Why not go Tzaangors instead of Warriors? They have a higher discount at 30. I was thinking of doing a mixed list myself of 2 units of 30 Tzaangors and a 40man of Marauders to start.

Also thats a lot of eggs in one basket for the Shaman as squishy as he is

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I have 20 Tzaangors assembled and primed right now, which I could possibly paint by Tuesday, but not 30. 

Right now Im mostly aiming at finishing the paint on the last 3 sky fires. 

Shaman is a point sink, but Archaon is a bit of a waste as general with no trait and no applicable command ability. 

Would you recommend Archaon as general?

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Well, one of my motivations for painting include getting them shown off in a batrep, so Archaon was a unit I really wanted to see hit the table and the camera before he'd inevitably get shelved. I mainly got into AOS because I was sick of assembly line painting tons of models, but it seems like the game is drifting that way anyway. I have enough painted Chaos stuff that I could just add Sayl with a sack of hammers and have a much more competitive list, but I definitely want to see Archaon on the table.


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