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Hi from South Africa


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Hi, I am from Durban, South Africa! Back before the original General's Handbook came out I had been trying to decide if I should jump into 40k, when I saw people playing AoS, and went 'this looks much easier to learn, and I always liked fantasy more. Being a fan of Night Elves from Warcraft III, I decided to go with Darkling Covens. I like the idea that I have a sorceress queen who is really trying to be on board with this whole following Sigmar and being a good guy thing...but is not very good at it so far. So far my favourite units are the Black Guard.

I have some kitbashed panther riders I play as Drakespawn Rider allies. I used to also ally in a Tenebrael Shard and a female Loremaster (Mistweaver Saih with a magic-wreathed left hand instead of the staff) but it seems I can't do that anymore if I want the new allegiance traits. Been looking around to see what Stormcast units might be a good idea, but they are all so slooow compared to my aelves.

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From what I hear, AoS is not very popular in most major cities of South Africa. Durban is fortunately the exception, we have two gaming stores with quite a few players! I think it's partly due to us being pretty laidback in comparison to the other cities - wargames elsewhere are super-competitive. When AoS came out the guys up in Joburg and Pretoria all ragequit and moved on to stuff like X-Wing. This year I went up to Joburg for their big convention called ICON, and there was no AoS being played at all.

We stick to matched play rules, but are not very competitive. There is a big emphasis on painting (we have the best painters in the country) and awesome-looking kitbash-conversions. We tend to pick armies more based on what they look like than what plays the best. Many of our players are new, like me, drawn in by how easy it is to learn. We also tend to play 1000 points more than 2000, as new players plus bad exchange rates means it's an expensive hobby.

That said, 40k is definitely much more popular here, and with the new edition, some of the older players that were playing AoS a lot have moved back to 40k, so our numbers are a bit down currently.

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