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GH2017 points leak


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I'm really angry at the FEC changes honestly.  I thought that Horrors were overcosted at 140, but went up to 160 for no reason.  Ghoul King on foot went up 20 points, King on Zombie Dragon went up a bit (i think maybe 40?), Terrorgheist and Zombie Dragon themselves went down, and battalions across the board for all factions seem to have jumped up to where there's not much point in taking them.  On top of that they still kept the "Requires X courtier to be general" to unlock Horror/Flayer battleline that I had hoped went away as it's so unfluffy.

I really dislike these changes, FEC wasn't exactly dominating tournaments as it was.

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Horrors overcosted? I don't agree at all... My horrors are superb troops and even at 160, I'd still run plenty of them.  I can understand that the combo of crypt horrors + GKoZD went up a fair bit, because them rerolling everything is no joke. Especially not now with Vanhell's being more readily accessible in this army. 

It does suck that they keep an extra limitation on the general however... I hope the new warlord and battle traits can make it less risky to pick such a flimsy general.

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Not sure why you would want deathmages mixed with nighthaunt... I don't think nighthaunt can benefit from Vanhell's dance macabre because of the keywords.

At least the vampires can add some magic while having better synergy with the ghosts. 

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11 minutes ago, Elmir said:

Not sure why you would want deathmages mixed with nighthaunt... I don't think nighthaunt can benefit from Vanhell's dance macabre because of the keywords.

At least the vampires can add some magic while having better synergy with the ghosts. 

Primarily because the Mortis engine comes in the start collecting box set with the hexwraiths and spirit hosts and thematically it makes sense to see a necromancer summoning ghosts.

Also expected it because it is a cheap wizard that can be added to a Nighthaunts list for simple buff/offense and summoning.


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FEC got hit way to hard. THeir battalions are now way overcosted. I know this has happened across the board, however some of those battalions only work in large unit size but now due to the high cost of the battalions you cant run them in large units size anymore. 

I reckon they were a bit to harsh on FEC jut a tad to harsh, hopefully there artefacts and abilities are worth this big costing. 

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I don't understand one thing. Suns were supposed to mean change in points, but High Warden and Reavers (Swifthawk Agents) have the same point cost as in the Spire of Dawn booklet. Is it that they weren't in the GHB before?


Sorry, wrong thread. Delete.

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57 minutes ago, michu said:

I don't understand one thing. Suns were supposed to mean change in points, but High Warden and Reavers (Swifthawk Agents) have the same point cost as in the Spire of Dawn booklet. Is it that they weren't in the GHB before?


Sorry, wrong thread. Delete.

Wrong thread, but I'll answer anyway.

It looks like any unit that wasn't included in the last GHB or in a respective battletome is also starred as a 'new unit'. In this case, Reavers, Spireguard and High Warden weren't part of the Swifthawk Agents in the last GHB, they were all still in the legacy High Elves faction.

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Is there any word on the FEC allegiance abilities as of yet?

For me I think it'll take a few games to judge the overall impact - we can't really judge this in isolation as everything else is being readdressed. I'm still fairly excited to see how the army plays now, and Elmir says, having allied forces like the necromancer and cheaper morghasts buffing the army, along with cheaper unridden beasts and the ghoul discount at 40 models gives us some new tools to play with. 

I'm also interested to see how arkhan or Neferata might synergise with the army allied in

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58 minutes ago, The_Chin said:

Is there any word on the FEC allegiance abilities as of yet?

For me I think it'll take a few games to judge the overall impact - we can't really judge this in isolation as everything else is being readdressed. I'm still fairly excited to see how the army plays now, and Elmir says, having allied forces like the necromancer and cheaper morghasts buffing the army, along with cheaper unridden beasts and the ghoul discount at 40 models gives us some new tools to play with. 

I'm also interested to see how arkhan or Neferata might synergise with the army allied in

fec allegiance abilty is deathless minion for fec units (similar to how every other death faction will get their own) and eating frenzy: if one of your units wipe out an enemy unit, on a roll of 6 your unit can immediately pile in and attack again.

further more you have several delusions with different effects: something like (saw the youtube video yerterday and might have some wrong menories here^^) reroll hit/wound of 1, reroll save rolls when at least half of your unit is within your deployment zone, +1charge run.

you select one for the battle. however, one general trait is that you can change your delusion every hero phase.

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29 minutes ago, tea_wild_owl said:

fec allegiance abilty is deathless minion for fec units (similar to how every other death faction will get their own) and eating frenzy: if one of your units wipe out an enemy unit, on a roll of 6 your unit can immediately pile in and attack again.

further more you have several delusions with different effects: something like (saw the youtube video yerterday and might have some wrong menories here^^) reroll hit/wound of 1, reroll save rolls when at least half of your unit is within your deployment zone, +1charge run.

you select one for the battle. however, one general trait is that you can change your delusion every hero phase.

These do not seem like nearly enough to compensate.  Feeding Frenzy sounds cool but how many times do you wipe out one unit and are within pile in range of another unit?  I think this is meant to be "another unit can pile in and attack again"

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56 minutes ago, Soup Dragon said:

Do you have a link to that video?


47 minutes ago, BFTBG SKFTSKT said:

Link seem to be removed? Any tips on where to find 'em?

Go to YouTube and look for ' NEW General's Handbook 2017 Review' from miniwargaming. they give an insight to some new battle traits.

edit: it's a 2h video. the allegiance stuff starts at 1h and death was around 1:20 (iirc)

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