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Which monster to choose from...


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Im trying to find a monster to include in my army and im struggling to choose...  Im leaning towards a Colossal Squig just because I love the model.  Anyone have any experience with any other monsters that they would recommend?

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I am testing Troll Hag now. She's a monster/hero/wizard so quite flexible. Has 16 wounds and regenerates d6 every turn. Unbound spells may harm the caster and opponents in combat substract -1 from their hit rolls. In most games I used her I was really satisfied how she performed.

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I really dont have a particular theme I want to stick with but I dont want to have any Ogor in my army.  Ive got a separate Ogor army that I dont want to mix with this one.  The Troll Hag is intriguing because I do have a unit of fellwater trogoths in my list.  She could also do some decent damage and looks quite resilient.  There are just too many choices!

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If it's a Destruction monster you're after but don't want Ogors you could simply model a Stonehorn/Thundertusk with an Orruk crew, build a bit of a wooden howadah for them to stand on, this would be very cool.  The Rouge Idol is another great choice and as you've mentioned the Troll Hag is a super sexy model.

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I am in the same boat. Rogue Idol was on top of my list but they don't make it anymore. Colossal squig was sort of my second choice. I only have the start collecting box and I am really not sure where to expand beyond another box of boys. I was thinking about combining them with spiderfang grots because that giant spider is awesome but has no synergy whatsoever with what I have...


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8 hours ago, Rothrich said:

Giants look silly. I don't like them at all.

Giants are awesome, but I can see how they wouldn't appeal to everyone!

There's just something so satisfying seeing a big hulking stupid monster trudging up the field, especially when it could fall and take out some friendly stuff!


Arachnarok gets my vote, its long been my favourite model from the range. Its still an awesome centrepiece for an army and devastates without needing any synergy.

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On 5/29/2016 at 9:03 PM, Rothrich said:

I am in the same boat. Rogue Idol was on top of my list but they don't make it anymore. Colossal squig was sort of my second choice. I only have the start collecting box and I am really not sure where to expand beyond another box of boys. I was thinking about combining them with spiderfang grots because that giant spider is awesome but has no synergy whatsoever with what I have...


Have you thought about converting your own? I have some pink insulation foam I was going to convert one from. Could be a great, fun project that is friendly to someone new to converting.

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Yeah the Troll Hag is amazing, healing D6 wound a turn makes her very difficult to kill. She's not very fighty in combat but her 5 Vomits will do amazing damage to pretty much anything.

Plus the model is amazing, can easily run her as a Giant too if you're shot on Pools.

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If you want to have something unusual in a destruction army, go for the merwyrm. Not the best monster but an awesome model. It heals d3 wounds if it bites anything and has a -1 to hit it (which is epic).

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I'm deliberating between the Basilisk or the Merwyrm as I like the mortal wound output, but given the huge amount of Mortal Wound on 6+ shenanigans going on at the moment, a -1 to hit debuff could be incredibly useful


Take the Merwyrm -3 rend on such a cheap (10 PCs in SCGT) monster is amazing.

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Cheers @Nico!

Reason I was deliberating though Is because I'm leaning toward the Aleguzzlers formation with a Troll Hag and some Troggoths to make it a low model count army (for quick play and easy painting) but under that, I'd have very little access to mortal wounds. 

The Merwyrm is still a whole lot tastier

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