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DWS Warhammer Age of Sigmar league

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Hi all,

I want to create a cool fun way to link any and all games of Age of Sigmar played on DWS club nights, no matter the type of game being played. It's important that every game can count to the league no matter the comp, scenario or size of game.

I have come up with a very simple league system that take a lot of what the Dragon Slayers used to do back in the day. The first season will last for four months, around five club nights at our current schedule, this will hopefully mean that it feels exciting all the way through and not fizzle out towards the end. 

I hope you will all enjoy it and I am going to try to sort a very cool prize out for the winner. 

The Rules
Simple rules are best. If you win a game of AoS during the season at a club night you score 3 points, 2 points for a draw with the loser gets 1 point. Just come find me afterwards and I will add your score to the leader board. Only your top three scores will count on the leader board. (So if you play six games, winning 3 and losing 3 your best score you can make is 9 points)

The season will last for six club nights, after this we can put something new together. 

You can use and Faction or Grand Alliance for games, even switching between games if you like. Also any comp pack or type of game will be included. All that matters is you are playing games. 

Because there could be many people on the same points at the end of the season there will be several tiebreakers. The first tiebreaker is if you killed your opponents General in a game (regardless of if you win or lose the game) you will score 1 additional point. Second tiebreaker having a fully painted army in a game will also score you 1 additional point.  

There will also be opportunities to earn bonus points by taking part in some of the Grand Alliance Community painting challenges. All of the game results and the leader board will be posted on the DWS section of the TGA.community forums.    

To make the end of the season even more exciting, the top two players at the end of the season will play off in a winner takes all final, at the next club night so we all get to watch! 

Any questions give me a shout

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Stick your name in this thread if you want to take part and I will add you on to the leader board.

The first hobby challenge as suggested by @Stevewren will be to paint up a Warhammer Quest Silver Tower hero. This could've one from the boxed game, including the Gaunt Summoner. Or one from the Warhammer Quest Silver Tower app. 

Post your model up here along with your name and I will award your bonus point. The deadline will be the club night after the 9th June so you have 5/6 weeks to get something painted. 

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5 minutes ago, Adymc said:

Ady mc in please 

It just occurred to me that the older you get the more letters you drop from your name! 

I remember when you had a good 15 or so letters....

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On 27 May 2016 at 8:22 PM, Ben Johnson said:

Post your model up here along with your name and I will award your bonus point. The deadline will be the club night after the 9th June so you have 5/6 weeks to get something painted. 

First one with a point @ChrisT but you had loads of time left? 

He looks great by the way. 

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I had loads of time if not stacked out between now and the future (although with all this sun i am finding it hard not to spend the last hour of the day painting!  Might get the Fyreslayer (monster) and Warpriest (prince) done before the deadline - my director (Charlotte) has told me the order i need to paint these in for her to play with them.  

(and you may have guessed that i also read the deadline wrong - but hey gave me a kick to start painting)

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