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Stalwart Redemptors, Stormhost.


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Hi, I'm starting to collect my first AoS army, that is Stormcast Eternals.

I chose to make my own stormhost, which I named Stalwart Redemptors. I hope u like what i painted.

Anyway I'm struggling on few things and hope that you will help me. For now i have: Lord Celestant on Dracoth, Lord Celestant on foot, Lord Relictor, Knight Vexillor, Knight Heraldor, 10 Liberators, 10 Judicators, 5 Protectors, 5 Retributors, 5 Paladins - not assmebled yet, 6 Prosecutors with hammers.

My doubts are:

1. I don't know how to assemble 5 paladins - decimators (so i can go for skyborne slayers batalion) or retributors.

2. What color will look good on Dracoth skin with my color scheme- i think blue or green?o.O

3. What to buy next, i'm thinking on some Fulminators, and I'm wandering, which another hero would be good for this force.

Greetings once more and thanks for replies in advance :D














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Definitely magnetise the paladins. Its not too hard and gives a lot of value for such an expensive kit.

The dracoth weapons can be magnetised in the same way, just a magnet on the end of the weapon shaft. Unless you want to turn them into tempestors then you have to magnetise the shoulder joint too.

You could always go for a Celestant-Prime to lead the force. I run him alongside my skyborne slayer list and he's a lot of fun.

Nice looking army btw!

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