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Deathrattle Battletome on the way?


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So with the latest preview of GHB17 Deathrattle shines with its absense..what could this mean..? With shadespire on the horizon, and the fact that Deathrattle is a huge part of death, it seems to me that were looking at a tome release for the skellies soon! Or am i just wishful here?

What do u think?

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Deathrattle getting a tome is the running assumption I think. There have been rumours/wishlisting of a Deathrattle Bone Giant for ages. Along with the fact we've seen the Sepulchral Guard for Shadespire (Not that they're really that different to Skeletons).

So I think in general, there's no logical reason for Deathrattle and Nurgle not to get Allegiance Abilities in the GHB2017 unless they're getting a battletome soon.

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With Grave Guard potentially being battlelline (and on round bases now I see, by the bye), this means the whole range (excluding kings) is battleline... I hope this means new models to flesh out the 'artillery', 'other', and 'behemoth' options.

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My wishlist for deathrattle:

-archers upgrade sprue (10 bows, 10 spare arms and arrows). VC skelliesbare a great base for the models

-skeletal wizards. (?)

-light calvary and chariots, but with the vc aesthetics (indoeuropean instead of egyptian)

-Skeletal big things


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On 5 August 2017 at 2:12 PM, feuermann said:

My wishlist for deathrattle:

-archers upgrade sprue (10 bows, 10 spare arms and arrows). VC skelliesbare a great base for the models

-skeletal wizards. (?)

-light calvary and chariots, but with the vc aesthetics (indoeuropean instead of egyptian)

-Skeletal big things


i second that!

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If the don't call it a 'rattletome' I'll be disappointed. Be great to see some variety of battalions to be honest. I like Legion but it's fairly rigid and relies on a fairly squishy hero

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  • 2 weeks later...

My own wishlist:

grave guard battleline instead of black knights

Black knights rules updated to dramatically improve their offence, whoever qrote their current rules forgot that they're mounted grave guard, not mounted skeleton warriors

Actual new units, not just pretending skeletons with spears are a different unit from skeletons with swords, not just the sepulchral guard, who are just more regular skeleton warriors with different weapons, an actual release wave.

Short of an actual release wave, i probably won't bother.

In any event, its still a ways out i bet.  Don't think it'll be here before shardspire, which means november at the earliest.

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You know I am starting think death will actually get a whole new range made in similar aesthetic style to the shade spire skeletons and the deathlords. Since how they have been handling death so far has me confused. The fact they released an ally box for deathrattle makes me inclined to think they are not doing a deathrattle tome. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am chomping at the bit for a death release. I wanted TK's but their time has ended now with GHB2017 so I am desperate to see Skeleton Horde get a much needed update.  They need missile troops, artillery and a good healthy mixture of infantry/cav units and a mother-efin bone giant! lol.

I think I will buy the Skeleton horde getting started set, a Nagash and a few other bits and pieces, get it started in preparation for an inevitable update (I hope). And hey, if an update doesn't come, skeletons in massive hordes are totally meta owning anyway right? lol.

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I'm expecting a deathrattle tome, probably first or second quarter next year, but I don't expect any new models for it apart from the Shadespire skeletons, nor do I expect other new units apart from maybe pretending the different equipment in the existing skeleton warrior and grave guard kits represents different units instead of just the same unit with different weapons.

I'd love to be wrong on this, but three years without new releases has worn away my ability to be optimistic.

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Personally I'm expecting an expansion of the Death Range across the board.

Deathrattle is conspicuous by it's absence in the GHB2017, combined with the removal of Tomb Kings from the Deathrattle keyword. The lack of historic staples like the Screaming Skull Catapult is glaring. Finally the start collecting "Skeleton Horde" aka Deathrattle isn't actually a Deathrattle box.

Nighthaunt is suspicious because of it's lack of allies and tiny model range. I'd suspect it's getting at least a few new units to go with it's hero. Plus the Start collecting Nighthaunt isn't even a legal box anymore because you can't field a mortis engine with it.

Deathmages cannot physically field a legal army at any points cost, no battleline or allies. 

Deadwalkers has allies, for some reason, but no leaders or alliegance ability. Again physically impossible to field a legal army. I expect them to merge Deadwalkers and Deathmages into a single faction at some point and give them their own allegiance abilities. 


When you then look at the other glaring absences, Gitmob Grots, Moonclan Grots and Spiderfang Grots. I would be honestly shocked if these aren't all addressed.

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I would be surprised to get a Deathrattle battletome without new models.

They're actually a pretty small faction overall, so don't have a huge amount of scope to make interesting lists and battalions. I mean, let's compare:

Deathrattle - 5 kits, makes 5 units vs Flesh-Eater Courts 4 kits, makes 12 units

They just don't have the scope for a full proper battletome without additional kits. Even Pestilens has 7 different units available to the army.


I would be surprised if they didn't get at least 2 new units and 2 new characters in addition to whatever happens with the Shadespire warband.

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I'd like to see:
- A Ranged unit. I think Crossbow-armed Grave Guard would be pretty cool,
- A horrific corpse-amalgam. Kinda like the Morghast, but actually composed of recognisable skeletons rather than being a cartoon drawing,
- Ogor Skeletons. Stronk,
- Bone Giant,
- More Heroes,


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expect to see nothing at all before second quarter 2018, after which I expect to see new battletomes for deathlords (with no new models or units), deathrattle (with no new models other than the sepulchral guard), nighthaunts (with no new models other than the Knight of Shrouds - though I do expect the mortis engine to be added to the nighthaunt subfaction), and deadwalkers-renamed something else (with no new units - though I do expect existing necromancers and unridden zombie dragons and maybe terrorgheists to be added to the subfaction).  I don't know what I expect from soulblight.

I also expect to see a single entirely new subfaction with like three or four new kits.  I'm not sure what - maybe undead stormcasts, since that's been a thing building in the fluff.


hope to see a dramatically expanded deathrattle subfaction taking on some tomb kings elements - skeletal archers, catapults, mages, and maybe chariots; plus skeletal monsters of some kind - maybe bone giants or skeletal dragons, maybe even the return of sphynxes and ushabti as a subtheme of deathrattle - maybe justify the statue units by reworking the deathrattle subfaction into a 'necropolis' subfaction, ancient undead cities that, when invaded, or roused by Nagash, see the haunted stones and statues of the city itself rousing to join the corpses of its former populace to make war against the living.  I hope to see the rules for black knights heavily re-written to emphasize that they are mounted grave guard, not mounted skeletons.

hope to see a significantly expanded deathlords subfaction, with those hypothetical undead stormcasts being added to the deathlords instead of becoming a separate subfaction of their own.  Plus a character morghast, their own spell lore so that Nagash (and to a lesser extent Arkhan) aren't as dependent on summoning & borrowed spells to make the most of their casting ability, given how heavily both of those things are punished by the matched play rules.  I also hope that the mortarchs gain additional subfaction keywords where appropriate (neferata and mannfred gaining the soulblight keyword, arkhan becoming deathrattle).  Maybe a second Mortarch kit with some more brand new & returning faces.  That first Nagash-corrupted Stormcast guy?  Maybe Khalida, Krell, or Isabella (stepping into her deceased husband's position)?

hope to see the deathmages and deadwalkers combined into a single re-named faction (which I actually expect to happen), and that the resulting combined faction will be further expanded with zombie ogres / flesh golems, and some sort of undead chimera monster - with or without necromancer rider.

hope to see nighthaunts expanded, with some kind of basic, single-ghost-at-a-time infantry for proper battleline, the addition of the mortis engine (which I actually expect to happen), and maybe a conglomorate-horror large monster - a collection of dozens of spirits bound together, sort of a host-of-spirit-hosts, the ghosts of great disasters, battles, or massacres bound together by the shared horror of their deaths.

hope to see soulblight expanded with infantry units of mortal thralls, new plastic kits for fell bats, bat swarms, blood knights, and vampire heroes of various bloodlines.

hope to see new undead factions or themes that we've never even seen before from Warhammer.  Maybe a haunted forest with undead trees, or haunted landscape generally with grave-blighted elementals.  Maybe a distinct faction or culture of undead orcs, ogres, or dwarves?  Maybe after they finally free the souls of the elven people from Slaanesh, there could be a falling out between the elven gods, with Malekith (or whatever he's called now) trying to take them all for himself and the others ganging up to kill him, in the process pushing whatever's left of his spirit along with any elven souls it could hold onto into an alliance with Nagash, leading to a non-nighthaunt faction of ghostly undead dark elves?  Maybe a contagious plague of undead skaven, meant to wipe out the hated vermin who are always foiling Nagash's grand plans by turning their own endless numbers against them?  Maybe something new, that I can't even guess at?


But much as I might be able to hope up a storm, you can't live on hope, and three years without any releases at all leave me with extremely low expectations.

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