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Questions on wording - Ghoul Patrol and Ghoul King


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I have two questions about interpreting wording in the FEC Battletome (and to a degree, AOS in general):

  1. When an ability calls out a unit by name, does it also apply to variants of that name? Specifically, abilities such as Steward to the King in the Attendants at Court Warscroll applies "If your general is an Abhorrant Ghoul King". Would this apply if your general is an Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon or AGK on Terrorgheist?
  2. The On Patrol ability of the Ghoul Patrol Warscroll requires you to "set up all of these units wholly within 6" of any edge of the battlefield, and more than 9" from any enemy models." When it says "any edge" does that mean all units must be within 6" of the SAME one edge, or could you set up each unit within 6" of different edges?


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I've always used the more liberal meaning for both these situations. For the first one, the rule is corresponding to the keywords, so in this case, the king on dragon and king on terrorgheist both have the keyword "abhorrent ghoul king." As for the second one, I've always set them up one at a time from different table edges, no one has ever challenged it.

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Just now, Miller said:

I have two questions about interpreting wording in the FEC Battletome (and to a degree, AOS in general):

  1. When an ability calls out a unit by name, does it also apply to variants of that name? Specifically, abilities such as Steward to the King in the Attendants at Court Warscroll applies "If your general is an Abhorrant Ghoul King". Would this apply if your general is an Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon or AGK on Terrorgheist?
  2. The On Patrol ability of the Ghoul Patrol Warscroll requires you to "set up all of these units wholly within 6" of any edge of the battlefield, and more than 9" from any enemy models." When it says "any edge" does that mean all units must be within 6" of the SAME one edge, or could you set up each unit within 6" of different edges?


1) we have to specify,  bold text or no. If bold text so it's keyword, if not bold is the name of the unit.

So in the case of the "Attendants tthey are bold ones so yes.

If you take the royal managerie for example in the Organisation box you find all cursive text so you can use FEC:B or GA:D terrorghesit /dragon zombie, but not the oens with a rider. Insterad in the Abilieties you can find a bold AGK and it refer both to the afoot one and the riding one.

There's a FAQ about it


2) any edge, any unit even on different edges

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