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FEC - horrors and ghouls


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I mostly run Horrors.  They're a little more difficult to support properly than a huge blob of ghouls because it's harder to keep your support characters in range of the units when they start spreading out across the battlefield.  Also, low model counts can make objective battleplans difficult.  That said, I have really been enjoying playing them that way.

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I often try to max out Horrors and Flayers. Sometimes i take a Courtier as a general to avoid using Ghouls.

I don't like that ghouls that much. In my opinion you cant run ghouls at a unitsize more than 20 because most of them can't hin with 1'' range.

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I've tried both huge ghoul blobs and big units of horrors and whilst both are good the horrors are probably a little better. The ghouls really shine when you invest in them with ghoul patrol and black hunger, even if you only get 15 models within 1" that's still 60 attacks - sure those attacks aren't as high quality as the horrors put out but given how little rend FEC have across the board the bucket of dice counts for a lot. Running them above 20 means you can keep that +1 attack buff up, which is really really good.

The other thing with horrors is that when you start taking them in units larger than 6 models it gets hard to pile them all in as well thanks to their large bases and still having a 1" reach. They've always been incredible tanks for me though with their natural regen, courtier healing and allegiance ability. Ghouls do tend to fold when a lot of pressure is applied, but I've had horrors regularly out-grind paladins, fulminators etc.

10 ghouls units are still good if you don't want to invest your combos into them or don't fancy moving a hundred minis a turn: they're pretty fast, they've got two attacks and are surprisingly resilient for a 100 point battleline unit.

You can also take both! Unless you're running a gimmick monster mash or flayer heavy list you can usually fit a ghoul blob, a decently sized horror unit and a monster. Hopefully Handbook 2017 will make this even easier with the horde rules and cheaper monsters maybe hopefully please!

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14 hours ago, Dracothjay said:

Summoning is cool, but don't you only summon a unit of 3? 3 horrors don't achieve much right?

Also, does anyone prefer the zombie dragon over the terrorgheist? Unholy vitality seems so good!

I play both^^ GKoTG e GKoZD, but my general is the GKoDZ. I don't like the VLoZD cause I don't find completely useful it's command ability and the GA:D dragon is quite undersstrenght (it doesn't meand that it is'nt good eh^^). I prefer being blet to keep my opponent in taking doubts when my Horrors will try to snatch objectives, hunting shallow leaders or units or try a jump the first turn to damage the opponent or force him to disengage so preventing him doing something else with those units.

They are enough. My option allow me moreover between horrors and  flying ones so to adapt the strategy . Or to summon something else, but being able to technically "summon" with the GK without preventing I find quite useful.

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