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Let's talk about Crypt Flayers!


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Digging into my GK batallion and am very tempted to assemble some Crypt Flayers.

I like their speed and ability to do Mortal Wounds. Their battle cry could be decent against low bravery units or in concert with a SSC. But im just not convinced...

Crypt Horrors are so solid, though, and synergize with the GK better...

What's everbody's thoughts?

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I like the battalion for them and they also synergise well with van haels cast from a necromancer. Would be piling in 3 times in a turn.

Again the scream rule is only really beneficial if your targeting something low bravery of which there is surprisingly little or your de buffing bravery somehow of which there is also surprisingly little. Would have been better if it was linked to number of models in the unit. 

Only being damage 1 hurts them also, would have liked to have seen something similar to the vargheists, but I guess you have everything!!!

Having said that GK on terrorgheist spell plus a courtier mean this unit will grind and grind and grind. I'd use them to soften up and hold up the enemy as the rest of my army advances behind.

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I'm planning a unit of three, mainly because of their movement and ability to operate independantly of the Ghoul King. Warmachines, wizards and pesky heroes should be at the top of the Flayers priority list. Being able to summon them with a GK on Terrorgheist and being a threat to half the table the following turn is also nice :D

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I'm potentially a fan - the formation is pretty good. Due to the mortal wounds - I think you could make instead use them into a major killy unit (take 7 of them as a unit) with buff spells such as VDM, the Feeding Frenzy Spell, the Ward Save spell and possibly the Command Ability from a regular Vampire Lord (+1 attack).

You could then support them by resurrecting models each turn with courtiers. 

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Their biggest benefit is flying. Speed helps so much. They're decent killers and have rend, so damage output should be fairly reliable. Not a bad unit by any means. As @Grimnaud said, they're better for their ability to operate independently than they are as a mainstay. Crypt Horrors are a better bet in that regard. Definitely get a unit if you think they look cool!


Also, don't underestimate the shooting attack. A lot of common troops have 5 or less bravery. Some armies ignore it completely, but some armies should be very afraid of it!

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I just assembled 9 of them plus a courtier. Definitely going to do the deadwatch batallion and use them as a spear of righteous justice to smite the unholy heathens of chaos. Get them to combat swiftly and depend on then calling their models back through the courtier. 

I'd like to get 6 more so I have a few spares 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I played two games against Skaven, using the Charnal Pit Carrion, and these guys are one of the main reasons I won both games. The free unit of them from the Ghoul King command ability every turn was very effective in getting some wounds on some range models from their range attack, and then they became a distraction to the enemy who did not like a unit being so close on turn 1. They can't move that turn, but if they make the charge they are helpful in tying up units and can potentially get rid of some range units quickly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the Horrors are a better unit to build up into bigger units and the synergy with ghoul King is much better but the flayers are great skirmishers and the mortal wound output makes them great for can opening or taking down things that ignore rend. I've only  got a unit of 3 but they have done well against hexwraiths in one game and a Keeper of Secrets in another. I seem to play a lot of other death or chaos so I've found the scream useless so far.

The deadwatch battalion is awesome but fairly expensive imo


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Yeah, ignoring the scream (though it is fun watching the annoyance on your opponents face when you manage to roll two sixes and take off a liberator before combat starts) their mobility and mortal wound output make them a great little unit. And if you have a courtier or a varghulf, you can fly one remaining flayer back to them and try to replenish the unit to do damage in the late game as well. But if I had to choose one unit to beef out to six, it would be the horrors. I used just three of them to slow down a stormcast battle line to allow the rest of my army to go around the back and start eating his support characters.

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In my (admittedly limited) experience the Horrors come out ahead every time. Their 2-3 damage output, getting re-rolls if near the king, and their healing just put them light-years ahead of Flayers in my book.

Though I can see a larger unit of Flayers using their mobility and mortal wound output to make life hell for distant objective holders. I really wish their scream had a better modifier than +1. It is essentially worthless in most cases.

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