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Aaron Schmidt

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Most of my choices for units in any game system are based on whether I like the model or if I can think of a sweet conversion for the model. The latest thing I am interested in building are some Orruk boar chariots. I am already planning on replacing the Gore-Grunta mount with a different critter (more on this soon), and was thinking of using the same critter for the thing which pulls some Orruck Chariots.

Modelling comments out of the way... I think that they could add to the Orruk army, providing some smaller, faster units to support the Iron Jaws in much the same way as the Gore-grutas. I see them as complementing one another. They are pretty similar in terms of performance, or at least one is not wildly better than the other. The GGs have rend, but the chariots are probably more survivable and a bit more versatile as you can take 1+ of them in a unit. 

What do you all think of these?  How would you use chariots?

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I think they fulfill a similar role to Gore-gruntas but are a less main line unit if that makes sense. 3 Gore-gruntas is a reasonable investment in SCGT (for the purposes of the discussion) and fit into a couple of quite good battalions so you would more likely field decent sized units, get some battalion buffs and get bashing. Boar boy chariots on the other hand are pretty cheap and can be fielded singly, so having a couple in your list gives you some drops without too much investment, and in game can be sacrificed without too much harm. Chariots also give you a mortal wound source so charging a couple at a tough single model to take a couple of wounds off is viable.

I think they are different enough that there is an argument for both in a list. 

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