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Hello hello hello

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I guess im one of the older gamers(39) been playing warhammer since I was about 12. I did the rage quit when AoS came out and currently coming back into the hobby thanks to the new warhammer quest (those tzeentch models are awesome) and the promised new points system.  I'm trying to convince my friends to try it out too but they have embraced infinity.

I currently live in Northamptonshire and have a 2 year old son who I hope will one day love the hobby too.

i also play on Xbox and currently mildly addicted to hearthstone

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My eldest son is 11 and it seems like he's too into football and cars.  I might have missed the boat with him.  I've two more younger sons and a younger daughter who could yet be molded into nerds.  I'm gonna work much harder to ensnare them in the hobby.  Good luck with your son.

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