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TGA and the ghb2


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With new editions come new problems , and fix some old ones, with ghb2 on the horizon new issues will become relevant.

Some things will be redundant, such as rules questions, topics on the older edition etc.

more experience forum users will know the drill, but less so newer ones.

Has it been discussed amongst the mods about guidelines on how to differentiate between the editions of ghb2? when starting topics or asking rules, or the locking of questions now redundant, if we will be adopting the new edition of ghb as standard, The separating of planned tournaments on ghb1 and ghb2 rules etc etc, 


If this is a yearly thing as apparently gw said it would be a solid plan might be best slogged out. 

Better to plan ahead than be forced to react. =)


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Hadn't actually thought about this having the potential to confuse things!  But you're right, it does throw up that a portion of our existing topics, questions etc will become redundant under ghb2! (or ghb2017/ghb17?)

My own view is that the new generals handbook supersedes the original one which will be set as out of production by GW.  To this end, we (the community) should be moving over to the current version as soon as we can.  I would imagine that Warscroll Builder and Azyr will remove all of the old points which will make using ghb1 quite awkward.  Probably looking at a month transition period before we see the old book confined to the bookshelf for most people.

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