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Slow Grow week 2 pt 1

Ugly Green Trog


Hi all, here is the first battle report from the second 760 point week of our Slow Grow league at Kirton Games (https://www.facebook.com/kirtongames/?ref=ts&fref=ts). I haven't added anything to my army from the previous week, despite my low model count, so I wasn't expecting great things. Please see the previous blog entry for my list. 


Battle 1 Khorne ( bloodhound I think) opponent had 30 blood letters and a big unit of the Khorne marauder guys, as well as a half naked guy with a whip, a priest with the banner and a proxied blood letter hero.

Deployment IMG_0719.JPG.e790afc4a10993d1762e8fea73719eef.JPG

we played the mission where meteors would drop on turn 2 in a random area in each deployment zone.

Turn 1 He got the first turn and whipped the marauders who ran forward to the halfway point, he also used inspiring presence on them to prevent battleshock. His characters moved forwards and so did the blood letters.

I failed to replace a Destiny Dice with a 1 or 6 before my herald read his scroll and used 3 Dice for the Lore of Change version of Tzeentch's Firestorm. It cast on an 11 and I used 2 6s from my Destiny Dice to add some guaranteed damage yet the rest of the 9 Dice failed to roll any 6s. I rolled 4 mortal wounds on the marauders. The pink horrors fared better dealing 5 mortal wounds with Bolt of Tzeentch, unfortunately they were immune to battleshock. The screamers on the right pushed right up at the blood letters hoping to act as a speed bump. The burning chariot and exalted flamer unleashed on the blood letters killing about 5 with an additional few from capricious warpflame, then the screamers charged in. I rolled well and managed to kill about 3 ( there were 11 dead before battleshock but I can't remember who killed what exactly) and only lost 1 screamer in return. Battleshock came and saw another 5 bloodletters banished.

Turn 2 Having lost the turn 2 roll off I also realised that I'd forgotten to shoot the horrors in the previous turn! The psycho mouth breathers of Khorne moved forwards into charge range with my horrors while the chraracters moved up too, the whip guy used his no more battleshock on the marauders again. The marauders charged in hitting both my horrors and my General. The bloodletters went first and butchered my remaining screamers. The horrors struck back and slew a few marauders before losing 2 of there own with my General losing a wound. I used my DD to rig battleshock into regening my horrors with reality blinks. They preceded to fluff point blank shooting and magic with Bolt of Tzeentch and their flames only killing 4 saveless marauders. Tzentch's firestorm failed to cast, my exalted flamer caused 2 wounds on the bloodletters but was saved, the burning chariot killed 4 but capricious warpflame resurrected 2 of them. In combat the horrors killed a few as did my general's chariot screamers leaving only 9 remaining, unfortunately they were still immune to battleshock. He failed to damage the horrors in response but inflicted 2 wounds for a total of 3 on my General.


Turn 3 will continue in part 2...



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