Road to Adepticon 2017 : Part 3
We have at last come to the week of Adepticon 2017. This will be the first major Wargaming event I will be attending and the excitement is incredible. Games Workshop will be out in force this year with event support and hobby seminars galore. It is going to be big and I cannot wait for Thursday to arrive!
Over the past few months, you could see a few posts about Adepticon preparation appearing in your social media feeds. As we grew closer more and more appeared as the Hobby Crunch time swung into full effect. I personally experienced this crunch for other hobbies and conventions, but it was very unique this time around and that is due tot he community.
My Lists to hand out
As my Stormcast army was changed with the release of the new book I kept struggling on what army list I would bring to the Championship (spoiler it will not be Warrior Brotherhood). I had no idea what else I needed to paint, but along the way, I received lots of support from the Twitter Community as well as my close friends. They would constantly tell me "You can do it! We believe in you!" and it is heartwarming to hear those words from the people I call friends. To top it all off every picture I posted via Twitter on hobby progress for Adepticon was met with words of encouragement and a plethora of likes (hearts?).
Which Gryph-Hound made it into my list? (Digby or Becky)
I found myself searching for those prepping for Adepticon to offer my own words of encouragement and support. It has been great to see how a community can bond and keep pushing itself more and more while keeping the fun. From finishing my army to working out some giveaways to my opponents I have enjoyed every minute, even the stressful ones. We have a very unique and close-knit community and we cannot forget how great a thing that is as we continue to grow in the future as a game and a hobby.
Who will prevail? Only the Faithful!
I don't believe I will accomplish everything I intended for Adepticon, but I will be ready enough with the few hours remaining to prepare. I look forward seeing some of you at Adepticon and please do come up to say hello and chat for a bit! If you are not able to attend keep an eye on my Twitter as I will post up as many pictures as I can for everyone to see all the fun!
Until next week Happy Hobbying!
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