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How to consider charging entry fees

How to NEO


We intended the Coalescence event to be free, and it is not a traditional tournament with prize support awarded to players for their individual achievements. We hope to help you create a day of fun events that build community and draw new players into the hobby. But we understand that some organizers may need to spend money to secure rental for a venue, for example, so charging a registration fee makes sense to cover those event costs.
If you have a local store willing to support your event there may be a tradition to charge fees for tournaments and then use those fees to directly support sales in the store, but then that creates the need to include prizes awarded for player achievements at the end of the event. Designating prizes for a narrative event is a bit trickier than at a competitive event, but it can be done. On the other hand, you may attract some new players without charging a fee, and that, in turn, may bring new customers into the store.
Our suggestion is to talk about the event with the store owner and find out their expectations. Let them know that the Coalescence event is being promoted on a global scale, and providing the space on June 10 for you to run your own local event may be a good opportunity for them to attract some new local customers that may return again and again to purchase models and hobby products from their store.

If you decide to use entry fees for prizes then we suggest you announce what achievements will earn prizes but not exactly what that prize will be. You can decide the full extent of the prizes once you've collected the entry fees. Most stores in the United States charge something like $15 for each player for a multi-round, single-day event.

But estimate your expected attendance on the lower side so you can cover costs. If your event fills up to maximum capacity and you end up with extra cash after awarding prizes you can always offer to buy pizza for everyone!

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